Where's the Petition?!

This show was a really fantastic medical drama! This was a show that required a bit of a person's attention to follow along three separate-but-conjoining story lines, but maybe that's why it was cancelled, too engaging for the braindead "reality TV" majority.

The stories were fantastic (the Luckiest Man with Mandy Patinkin being very superior!) and there was even this side story with Kuol, who traveled a huge distance just to be operated on by Dr. Yablonski. Where's the resolution to this sub-story?

I'll admit, I'm not any good at drafting a proper petition, so if anybody can direct me to one (or create one), please do so and I will sign it in a heartbeat (pun intended), even if it's just to get a proper season finale that resolves the storyline with Kuol.

Seriously, I remember when the WB station was changing to the CW, and they cancelled the Everwood series. Instead of leaving the series at its proposed season finale (which was the real season finale), they created a second season finale episode that followed the first that resolved all the storylines amongst the characters and finished it off smoothly.

It can be done (unlike Surface, whose story was written by a couple of writers, thereby convoluting character plots and the like, and ending with an unresolved ending with the monsters overtaking the world). Three Rivers can be given a proper ending! Do it CBS, then put the DVD out for $24.99, and I'm getting it!



On the side of the article you can see where it says "How to support this show" go there and you'll find a petition.

Lonely Chicago pie


And... *drumroll please* signed! Thanks lexiever!


You welcome lol

Lonely Chicago pie


It's sad to see this axed when shows like FlashForward survive. I watch FF for comedic relief only now. TR's gone too soon.

This is a discussion forum, not a fan forum. <VP>
I lose interest quickly
