Sean Penn's look?

Is it just me or does he look absolutely ridiculous? That hair, the lipstick? I realize some people actually dress like that (nothing wrong with that), but Penn just looks so misplaced in that get-up.

If we're not back by dawn... call the president.
- Big Trouble in Little China


Yeah it looks like a joke, i guess they just copied somebody elses clothes without checking the result...


Um, you do realize this is a spoof, don't you? traight-The-Cure-red-lipstick-big-hair.html


yes he is supposed to be a jarring, pathetic, ridiculous little man, "a kid aged 50", quoted from an interview. Sorrentino can do no wrong in my eyes so I'm sure he knew what he was doing and that when you see the movie, Penn becomes a believable character, Gothic getup and all.


PS: I just heard Sorrentino in an Italian interview, saying that "the weird look of Cheyenne in deepest America, where nobody looks like him, cause all his meetings with people to be more real".
It was just a snippet but I hope to hear more on other interviews. There had to be a reason why Sean Penn would subject himself to possible ridicule :)


It's KISS inspired. How old are you? Only reason I ask is because you may not be familiar with that band. Not trying to be a dick by asking your age. That's what many rockers from the 70's and 80's looked like.


I'm 23 actually and I know KISS (though I'm not exactly a fan). I must admit I know very little about this movie, and merely responded to the imdb pictures of Penn in his weird outfit.

All I was saying was that Penn looks ridiculous (in my opinion), not that there's anything wrong with that kind of outfit. It just looks wrong on Sean Penn. But then again, if it's meant as a spoof then I guess it makes a lot more sense...

If we're not back by dawn... call the president.
- Big Trouble in Little China


The character is a practically a direct copy of an Ozzie Osbourne burn out except that Ozzie never says anything intelligent.


From the trailers, the look & quiet, sensitive demeanor of the character reminds me of Robert Smith from The Cure. And yes, well into middle age, Robert Smith still sports crazy black hair, smeared red lipstick & smudgy black eyeliner.


But when he talks it's like a smart Ozzie Osbourne.


He looks like Lesley Joseph from Birds of a Feather.

reply re.jpg

its clearly based on robert smith from the cure.. lol kiss.

i guess you mean jean simmons?

his personality is more like robert smith aswell but im sure penn made it his own.


Based off Robert Smith of The Cure (the greatest band ever)

Now let this be the end of this thread. :)

"Get busy living or get busy dying"


I agree with those who say that Penn's look in this film is most remniscent of Robert Smith of The Cure. He's whom I thought of instantly when I saw the film's poster.



SoHo becoming too commercial has clearly taken a toll on his spirit.
