Film soundtrack!

Hey fellows (quite appropriate, right?),

I've just seen the movie, and one of the songs in it got me completely charmed. I think it's just a cover of "This must be the place" wich is played throughout the film, but this time in a very slow and acoustic version. It's the one you can hear when Cheyenne is at the bar and meets the tatoo guy who says that his work is an art, and Cheyenne replies that nowadays nobody works anymore but everybody does something artistic (so true). Anyway, help me out please, does anyone know who made this cover?


Irish singer song writer, Michael Brunnock. He is from Ireland but lives in New York City now, he does gigs around the city several nights a week. If anybody is around the NYC area he plays in the red lion on bleeker street a lot. He is very good!!


I know Michael Brunnock did some tunes for this movie and he is great, but I believe the artist you are looking for is Trevor Green. He has a cover on youtube of "This Must be the Place". I haven't seen the movie but I know that he did about two or three versions for the film and one of them was slowed way down from his original cover. I have been a fan of Trevor's for years now and seen 20+ of his shows. Youtube him.
