Deleted Scenes. Why?

Intrigued by scene of the Native American hitcher Sean Penn picks up that's not in the dvd, I did a little research and found there's also a scene where Penn is drinking in bed and watches a clip of his younger self on MTV and cries.
OK, I get that studios delete scenes for various reasons but this movie is only 1:55 and including the crying scene, aside from bringing in an emotional moment, could help explain why Penn transforms himself at the end.
So the studio chose to cut them. OK. But why do they NOT include them in the dvd release and only the blu-ray? In fact, the dvd has ZERO extras and we all know dvds can pack a lot of extra features so why are studios doing this more and more? It's a pet peeve that's turning into a strong dislike.

Jamie Lee Curtis survived Halloween, the Fog, Prom Night and a Terror Train & now she can't poop!
