her friend

did anyone else feel really annoyed that her pregnant friend was being so selfish? and that marley had to apologize to her for being ill which isnt even her fault and she couldnt even be bothered to spend her last days with her? i cant believe how someone who was supposedly a good friend could behave so selfish and cowardly, did anyone else think that? fair enough you're about to give birth but still, you will have the rest of your life to raise your baby whereas your best friend is dying right now... just seemed kind of unrealistic to me, i cant imagine any of my friends behaving like that.

"And like that... he's gone." Verbal.


Pulling away from someone who is dying is a very common and normal reaction which seems cruel, but it is a protective way of dealing with death. Google kubler-Ross Death and dying. These responses are normal for the person dying and those around them and are just part of the human experience. The friend did show up at the end, or near the end when the Kate character was still alive and awake, but on her way out. By the way I'm a nurse and have seen this reaction time and time again. There is a metaphor here as well, the friend was giving life, Kate of course was not. The friend could have unconsciously, felt guilty for "being alive" when Kate could not - just food for thought.

That said this film was a turkey, glad I saw it at a free screening. Very formula, a higher budget disease of the week flick - could have been on Lifetime. The characters were likable enough. Kate never looked as ill as she was. While it is possible that a person can keep their hair it is doubtful, and even if they did it would not look as good as it did. I guess they did not want to hide Kate's very beautiful locks. Just had a hard time suspending belief.

Then there were her friends, a perfect demographic group, semi wacky girlfriend, steady on her feet girlfriend (the pregnant one ) the black gay guy...it was a bit too much.

I am a real sucker for movies that portray heaven, I wish they had spent more time with that plot, oh well, they didn't.

"Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup." Ludwig Van Beethoven


Colon cancer treatment doesn't make you lose the hair on your head. It thins, and you do lose the rest everywhere else, though. I had it. It was advanced. I am young and female.

Not to be crude, but I thought the sex scene was pretty unrealistic. If her colon was riddled with tumors as they say, sex is not possible. It is also not possible at that stage because of treatment. Even if you stop treatment, the effects are devastating for quite some time. That entire area is a no-man's land. Trust me. It hurts, it's swollen and inflamed, and you don't feel sexy. At all.

I am almost 6 years from my diagnosis, and cancer free. Butt cancer sucks.


Thanks for the insight, yadda1. I'm sorry to hear about your pain but glad that you're in remission.


I saw this movie the other day, and YES, that friend was a b itch. Too dreadful for words. I kept wondering why Marley even put up with her, and then I figured it was probably because she was close to the little girl.


I think it is supposed to show how people deal with death differently. She was heartbroken, hurting, and probably hormonal, and was probably overwhelmed. Sometimes it's even the other way around.

2 cute 2 listen!




