MovieChat Forums > Human Target (2010) Discussion > This show was sabotaged in season 2(Matt...

This show was sabotaged in season 2(Matt Miller,Fox,WB)

This show was one of kind on TV when it premiered in spring into 2010. An Escapist Action Drama with a little mystery narrative. Fox and Warner Bros were both unhappy with season 1 rating performance and episodic quality. So they brought in a fixer producer. Even though by the season finale most critics were praising the show finale for finding itself. So there Idea was to bring in a Fixer producer for the show by the name of Matt Miller. He was brought to basically revamp the show instead fixing some minor flaws such as story plot and side characters development.

Instead he did a revamp. In this revamp he got rid of show composer Bear Mccreary and Replace him with Tim Jones(music producer on Chuck).He brought in some more producers(basically giving this show too many cooks in the kitchen). He made the show focus more on episodic plot so no ongoing serialize plot focusing on Chance's mythology. Instead what little ongoing story offer was contrived Romantic Tension. Season 2 also had very few memorable episodes. The one that were good probably wouldn't be much better than season 1 bad episodes. Through whole summer of 2010 he went on tour promoting season 2. Saying that the show going to have more depth, consequences, character sentiment. Very few of these things are were delivered and if they were they very half baked and contrived. I know I posted on this subject a couple of times, but it's not that I hate Matt Miller. It's that they top job was given to a professorial Hack looking for a paycheck. Season 2 is possibly one of the most horrible executions I've seen for a second season. Shawn Ryan has often mentions these Hack Producer who only put their name on something to get a Paycheck. I have no problem with Hack producers as long they stay in the back and have absolutely nothing to do with a shows creative execution.

Sad Thing about this I'll have to wait a couple of years to see another great TV show from the Visionary Jesse E Steinberg. Or that I'll never get to see the chemistry between Mark Valley,Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley ever again.

As for WB i really stop watching their channel when they turned into CW and started pandering to 15 yr old girls. The only thing that look decent on their upfront is Ringer but you know their going to find a way to mess it up. Fox is just a joke now more than NBC is. Seriously You cancel both Human Target and The Chicago Code the only two thing I watching on your network. Then you replace those show with Sci-Fi show with a similar premise to fringe called Alcatraz. Then you pick another show called Terra Nova because Steven Spielberg name is attached to it. Hey Fox Spielberg has not done anything decent in the last ten years. The showrunner has no experience doing a longterm quality show. Terra Nova has too many producers(Just like H.T. season 2). So I'm sure Terra Nova going to be done in a couple of episodes.

So NBC is the only network that in my opinion is going to have anything new that decent and worth checking out. You have Awake, Grimm and Prime Suspect. So basically i'm mostly going to be watching cable through fall/spring 2011-2012.



I just want people to remember how Matt Miller destroyed this show with a horrible season 2 executions. Really what the point of putting the second season on dvd now. All it will do take away from the very entertaining and exhilarating first So the next time a hack looking for paycheck like him is brought on to someone favorite show. They will yell to powers that be in time to stop him from destroying something that bring hope and compelling entertainment into their lives.



Below is a good article that Sam McPherson of Tv Overmind wrote about why he quit watching halfway into season2. I think your problem is that you don't watch television for quality. You just watch it to pass the time. So you were unwilling to see inconsistencies on season 2.



Years from now when people are picking up this DVDs. When critics are doing podcast and list of great show that ended before there time. This show won't be on it. Some feel that it cancellation in season 2 was a "Mercy Killing". Season 2 could not take any scrutiny from critic that a lot them stopped watching. Just go read all the HitFix Alan Sepinwall reviews he said there were good scenes in the latter episode but ultimately they were bare decent. None of the good episodes in season 2 were really much better than the bad ones in season one.



I agree with Taxi Driver, about season one being better.

You, rick, Rere somewhat correct about the 80's feel. However, H.T.s performances & humor were more subtle & sophisticated, like some of Cannell's earlier work. Rockford, rather than A-Team.

I enjoyed Chance's bits of mythology.

Actually, you're wrong about one thing. Not a matter of opinion. If one has had an abortion, the pregnancy IS terminated (un-pregnant?).

Carpe Noctem!



You keep defending season 2 and blasting people saying its their "opinion" the show was completely ruined in se2. Guess what, you're wrong. SE2 sucked, the show was changed for the worse and got canceled. Liking se 2 is YOUR opinion. And its not common as you see the show tanked. They were on to something season 1. If they would have stayed on the rails there could have been a season 3

In any case, don't go around telling people its just opinion with a tone that they are wrong. All viewers taste are opinion, so its just dumb to keep throwing it out. However when a shows ratings tank, that means the majority opinion is it sucks


I've just seen the 3rd episode of season 2 and have to say the introduction of that awful Pucci character had to be a deliberate attempt to ruin the show. There was just no other reason for it. I've never come across a more pointless, irritating character before. It's certainly succeeded in ruining it for me anyway.

Live life such, that when you die, even the Undertaker is sorry


taxidriver8989 Just ignore rick as he/she is a massive hypocrite as no matter what their argument is against what you are saying, it always applies to what they are saying as well. Just don't mention Ilsa as rick really loses the plot and is so blinkered that he will never see any of the flaws in the writing and character.

He will constantly attack what you are saying if you have a different opinion from him, even if you have all the facts on your side. This continually proves that rick is a troll.

On a personal level I will state I agree whole heartedly with what you say taxidriver and a lot of other people agree from critics to a large portion of the fan base.





I agree with the thread starter. Although I still enjoyed season 2, they've watered down a surreal, one of a kind show and made it into Chuck meets Leverage.

The Chuck style music, the explaining type dialogue, the cliche'd forced romantic tension ..... it totally changed the character of the show.

Season 1 was like watching an all out movie every episode; season 2 was like watching Chuck. Nothing wrong with Chuck, a show I really like, but Human Target was pretty special.

Shows like Human Target (season one) can't survive in today's tv viewership landscape. More people like repetitive shows/procedurals (CSI, House), reality shows (Kardashians), or talent shows. Maybe it would have had a better chance at Showtime, HBO, or AMC.


sabotaged - don't know if anyone else picked up - but in parts of season 2, you could clearly see (parts of) crew members in the scenes......

there is a person wearing a hoodie under a dark jacket in one of the last scenes of HT, he is clearly not ground-crew for the airport (as they would be wearing high-vis jackets) - and they did look out of place..... I'm guessing it was the boom guy!

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em
