What a Tragedy

Just watched some old episodes I had backed up on my DVR. This was a great show. Great cast, great chemistry, really well done. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed this series and how truly good it was. What jug head got the bright idea of canceling it?


Right there with you. Re-watching Season 1 now.


It sucks Season 1 was cancelled on a cliffhanger..... but at least it was an amazing show :D



I'm still revisiting this show. It is so good!

After I've watched the whole series, I'll wait a few years and then watch it again!


The show had promise - good writing - good acting.
The only bad part was the GAWFUL shaky cam / jump cut / action scenes.
Wholly unwatchable. . . I mean, turn away, can't look at the garbage kind of unwatchable.
Whoever is teaching the vidiots to take HDTV and make it into ugly radio should be fired.

"Arthropodocracy - voting for the lesser of two weevils."


I'm watching the first season on DVD from the library, don't know where I can find season 2, but I did like this show
