MovieChat Forums > Primal (2010) Discussion > So, let me see if I have this straight (...

So, let me see if I have this straight (spoilers)...


So the bad guy is...

An ancient supernatural tunnel/cave that feeds on blood it soaks through the tunnel's floor and walls...

which sprouts tongue, tentacle and worm like appendages...

and can also transform part of itself from what looks like a rock formation into a giant, horny slug creature...

that needs to mate with human females...

plus it also releases some sort of poison into the body of water around the cave...

which transforms those who come into contact with the water into a primal creature with superhuman strength and speed, a need to hunt/eat often and an instinct to bring "food" to the tunnel.

Oh yeah, plus there are tiny flying swarm insects that can quickly eat through plastic and car tires like it's nothing.

Hmm, did I miss anything?


That pretty much covers


You forgot the part where all these creatures and the cave can mate while wearing full-on clothing... including jeans, jean shorts, and pink capris.


There's no supernatural tunnel. Just a big horny slug with tentacles living peacefully there since more than 12.000 years ago.


You forgot the very hot Dace.


Yes Dace was just too damn sexy.

Habataitara modorenai to itte
Mezashi-ta no wa aoi aoi ano sora


That pretty much sums up this ridiculous movie. When the girl made a 20-yard Predator-leap, I kind of starting rolling my eyes. It started really well, like a kind of REC-in-the-woods, but sadly fell stupidly into a sort of sci-fi cum horror drivel. Ayy Down Under donĀ“t start gettin slack with your horror flicks! LOL


Yes it is ridiculous, yes it is silly. But ... aren't we supposed to suspend disbelief when we watch movies like this? I think for all the goofy stuff, this is an entertaining movie. The only time I would expect reality from a horror film is if it was a fact based drama or documentary. Outside of that it is all just fiction. Movies, especially horror films are supposed to transport the viewer into the world the movie is taking place in. If the does that even for one second, it worked.


True, but the more credible they can be, the scarier they are. If it's ridiculous and silly, we won't be scared by it. We'll just sit back and laugh about it. I like horror movies that produce their intended effect.


well there's suspending disbelief and then there's opening your mind so far your brain falls out of your skull. Of course if characters in horror movies acted like they had any brains there either would be no movie or it would be much shorter so yeah.

I Am Who I Am.
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Spot on!

Karma's only justice without the satisfaction


Yep, pretty much got it in one. But if you can sit through the movie again, check out the symbolism of the cave mouth. It's not exactly subtle.


A certain female body part?

I Am Who I Am.
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Yes. SciFi movie makers think they're being clever when they hit us over the head by symbolism. The truth is, they don't need to do it, since any cave in any shape would work as well.


No that's about right. It was weird and confusing.

I Am Who I Am.
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