I liked it

It was a little gory and the story kept me watching until the end.


I didn't think it was fair for the parents to kill the teens, they knew what it felt losing a child so they should have stuck to just killing the killer although they didnt know who the killer was before the teacher confessed ......mmmmm


I agree, the film was quite good. I definitely see some similarities to SAW, but it isn't entirely the same. It has that asian feel, which only an Asian film could have.

I gave it 7/10.

I actually watched it before it was even put up on the site, so i'm glad it was finally put on here, i only noticed it finally had been today.

Top5 Films:Seven Samurai, Hidden Fortress,Treasure of Sierra Madre, Throne of Blood,Goodfellas


Meh. Nothing special really. It's all been done before, and much better. The most interesting part were clearly the puzzles, and those turned out to be rather lame. In terms of the questions and execution of the scene.

The questions were odd, required outside info the characters made up as they went along, and were never 100% clear. Although that could have just been a subtitle issue for all I know.

Bad acting, bad dialogue, annoying characters, terrible puzzles, lame 'twists' and more cliches than I can count. Weak. 5/10.

"Andrew, we can't possibly be dead. We have cable." - Nothing


Lame puzzles? You must be good is school 'cause I couldnt guess the answer to any of them.


Enjoyed this film too, not into the Saw films and those of that ilk, but this had enough other thigns going to keep me interested. Still has plenty of drawbacks though, my review here:

http://modernkoreancinema.blogspot.com/2011/07/death-bell-gosa-2008.ht ml


I also like this movie and it was fun to watch

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill

