MovieChat Forums > Fright Night (2011) Discussion > Why this is a bad movie

Why this is a bad movie

Why is Fright Night (2011) a bad movie? is it because it had poor acting? no, the actors did good enough jobs I never felt taken out of the movie or noticed any 4th wall breaks. So was the movie score bad? no, though not the most memorable score I ever heard it kept the movie going and added tension where it was needed. So was it the director? was he terrible? no, the direction was fine nothing to win any awards but standard for todays horror films. So what is it? I'll tell you, it's because it's a remake of a classic well loved movie.
If this was Fright Night 3 and the characters all had different names this would have been a very well accepted addition to the Fright Night cannon, but no it's a remake and a blasphemy to characters that I have watched over and over again since I was a teenager. Charlie wasn't the "cool kid" from school, Amy wasn't the "hot girl" and Ed wasn't the "class geek". Charlie wasn't trying to ditch Ed they were good friends and hung out all the time, and wtf did they do to Peter Vincent? a stage magician who's parents were killed by vampires and now collects vampire paraphernalia? Did they even watch the movie they were re-making?
The problem is Hollywood keeps taking classic good movies that everyone loves and re-making them for nothing more than to get fans of the classic to spend money to see what they have done to them, but it's never good. I would have been thrilled with Fright Night 3 and would have gladly gone and spent money to see it and this movie would have satisfied my Fright Night craving but instead all it did was piss me off to see characters that I know and love turned into something they're not.
So please Hollywood leave the classics alone there are tons of movies out there that could have been great if only they had better effects or better actors or a different ending, re-make one of those and leave the beloved classics that are fine just the way they are alone!


I wouldn't say it was bad but it's not good either and somehow I liked it. I never saw the original either. As a horror-comedy, it failed to scare me and make me laugh, but I liked several elements of it -- the inclusion of David Tennant (and Colin Farrell, to a lesser extent), the attractiveness of the lead girl, the effects (for the most part) and visual style, the music, seeing myself in Charley a little bit, and maybe me knowing those locations at which they shot from my real life. But there are also things I can point out that I didn't like -- the pacing, and Tennant's character being a macguffin of sorts who turns up in the third act like he came out of another movie, taking things from movies like Rear Window and Children of Men without earning them, most characters being archetypes (such as Dave Franco, who had no purpose other than to be mean to "Ed" for no reason, which I haven't seen much of since the early '90s like villains in a Karate Kid movie), not establishing enough rules (like why some people return as vampires and others die, and why some people [like Franco] returned at the end as human and others didn't), and Charlie's lack of spine and priority (showing/telling people about the Jerry footage would have been a good idea, instead of sneaking and spying on him which pisses off his girlfriend), but mostly the last one and the pacing.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


This movie was bad because it wasnt funny at all.................


you say you liked the acting - i didn't. this is the worst acting by colin I have seen.

you say there was nothing wrong with the directing - i thought the directing was lame, and lacked an atmospheric touch

the found nothing wrong with the score.

if this was fright night part 3 or 4 or whatever, i still would not have liked it.

FAQ:#1 IMDB quote
"You're just jealous"

Santa is real


I love the way you "film professionals" pretend to know what you're talking about. Obviously, you wouldn't know bad acting if it hit you in the face. There's nothing wrong with this film, so stop acting like you're a critic. I've been making films (features and commercials) for 30 years and I think the film was fine (no worse than most). But then again, I'm not a "smart ass know it all" like you guys. I hope somebody sees your grand project so the world will know the genius of YOUR work...besides the hamburgers you sell at the drive thru.


Yeah that's right, Dutchy. You tell us. How could we possibly recognize a bad movie unless we worked in the entertainment industry?? I mean, the very idea is ludicrous! Just like I can't tell if I'm eating a spoiled egg, because I don't work in the catering industry! And I can't tell when my car has broken down because I'm not a mechanic!

It's lucky we have someone like you to put us back on track and remind us that we'll damn well be told, by the directors and actors, what films we like and what films are quality! I mean, without you, we'd just have to go on things like how we felt about the movie, the actors involved and how badly we ourselves thought they performed! Imagine our temerity for mentioning the sub-standard effects, and let's not even get into how ridiculous it is for us to critique a mighty writer like Marti Noxon who's been such a big part of box office blockbusters like...ummm....ugh...lemme think....oh wait all her films have tanked and had reviews mentioning her $h1tty writing! Imagine if we went on that instead! And good grief - I mean let's not forget how much positive word of mouth there is out there currently elevating this movie to cult success! Oh yeah wait a minute......again, got that wrong didn't I..?
Well, at least we can recall what a financial success it was......D'oh!!!!!

Thank heavens for your mighty, genius like perspective! And did you want fries with that....?

Didn't quite think it through, didja Dutchy........

Give me a hedgehog and I'll show you.


It's not like the original was that great to begin with .


Hap, take a pill. You're acting like a clown. ...and I thought it through just fine. The problem are full of *beep* Your opinion is one thing but your attitude is like a 6 year old. Good luck in life.


I appreciate the good wishes Dutchy. The MacD's job is going very well thank you, and one day I hope to move out of my folks basement!! Boldened by your insightful and constructive comments, I really feel a change for the positive coming on in my life! Thank heavens for you!!!


Give me a hedgehog and I'll show you.



Well i dont mind remakes, but the original had great character actors, each one with a very distinctive personality. This one has cut-out actors with no real personality. Just your typical vampire movie based on the older excellent film, with more modern sound, cgi etc. oh, and no black humor at all. Sarandon made a great sensual vampire, colin doesn't; the whole Peter Vincent character is ruined (a shame for Tennant); and Charlie is so bland. That and having Colin chomp on apples through the movie as some homage to sarandon's character is so silly. No wonder it did poorly at thr box office.


You would also think that with him being an actual "film professional" he would at least have an avatar or professional picture of himself. LOL


dutch100- it doesn't matter than you've "been making films for 30 years" or than we have not. People may not be acclaimed film critics but most of us know bad acting or poor writing if we see it.

This movie failed to even make back it's budget, and why? Because it was poorly written, acting was average and the CGI effects were overdone at times. Please don't try to convince us that this was a decent movie just b/c you've "been making films" before. So have a lot of other guys and most of their work appears late night on Chiller or SyFy Channel.

I gave this a 6, which is probably generous given it's box office performance. It just wasn't anything special (other than the cute girl)...


Uh, you realize that people disagree what makes a classic right? Many people would consider the original Fright Night to be complete trash. Who are you to tell people what movies are classics or not?

Well in this case because anyone who thinks the original was complete trash is evidently mentally incompetant to such a degree that they should never be allowed to hold a remote control, let alone choose what movies to watch. Educating them on it's brilliance is the only option.

Give me a hedgehog and I'll show you.


I sincerely hope you're joking...


As a sentimental fan of the original I found this remake to be a load of fun and enjoyed it from start to finish.


^^ totally agree with you my friend !!!

I enjoy this movie and saw it as an hommage to the first movie... they didn't try to remake every damn thing of the 1985 version, i would say about 25% is the same, it's saying much !! Watch movies like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th supposed remakes, it's bad from top to bottom with no horror at all... this is pure gorefest enjoyment and i didn't think for one second that it was an embarassment to the original, i even prefer Colin to Chris Sarandon, but this is only because i prefer him as an actor and that Chris didn't make anything good except this role in my book !!

Last Movies: - The Dictator: 4/5
- Avengers: 4,5/5
- American Reunion: 4/5


Chris didn't make anything good except this role in my book !!
I would not say such things if I were you.


have not seen this movie yet and still might as I am looking for similar movies to see with my family

However, the ONLY INTERESTING AND NEW FEATURE of the original was the need to prove vampirism to a fake vampire hunter. Otherwise stick with the original Lost Boys on one end of the teenage spectrum and My Best Friend is a Vampire on the other. Twilight is as much about vampirism as The Hunger Games is about warfare. Why not remake Buffy?

The original movie had many problems, but changing the major plot line could be an issue with fans of the original.

I have read and watched many vampire stories in my half century and most are unoriginal. Some are better than others.

I also have a problem with making major changes and calling a film a remake - I feel that only major plot elements that were not integral to the story would be reasonable, otherwise just say its a sequel, prequel, or an alternative time line like the latest Trek, which I enjoyed.

By the way, I did enjoy most of Twilight and The Hunger Games except for the hyperbole, illogic, and the Hollywood 1984 end to the Hunger Game's 3rd book - don't get me started on keeping a bow strung in the woods for years.

Remember fiction is not real.


How 'bout this then. Next time you watch it, put a big piece of tape over the cover and rewrite "Random Vampire Movie" on it.

If people would stop comparing it to the remake for 2 seconds they would realize what an enjoyable movie it really is.
Everyone I saw this movie with had never seen the original. Everyone I saw this movie with loved it.

We all need mirrors to remind ourselves of who we are. - Memento


well thats a limited set of experiences there. Yeah I liked this movie, and I haven't seen the original. But by the end I was wondering what the point of it was.


i hoe hollywood will listen to you but i doubt it

man this one sucked way bad



I have a great announcement to make about remakes.

You are not forced to watch them. If you prefer the original movie, watch it and STFU. If you prefer the remake, watch it and STFU.

The remake is not that bad, and the original was not that good.

I rated both movies 5/10 and i STFU.


I have a great announcement to make about IMDb.

This is a messageboard where all are allowed to share their opinions. If people prefer the original movie and disliked this remake, they should be able to express why without being told to STFU.

Unless mamouth007 knows something I don't and people are going to STFU just because he decrees it.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....
