The sex scenes

Could be so much hotter, unfortunately the lead actress has such an underdeveloped body is a total a turn off




I double down that wrong.


Maybe I'm just attracted to skinny women, but to me she had a hot body, nice tits, small enough that they didn't sag, no excess fat - another turn-on for me - coltish and long-limbed, thin and flexible, which is important in the act of fucking.

To each his own.


In her defense, Hollywood (which is mostly run by people who like little boys) insists on actresses being anorexic. The days of Marylin Monroe (i.e., a healthy woman) being considered sexy by the establishment are over. The nice thing is that Latinas should start flooding movie screens in a few years and I doubt they're going to be convinced to lose their curves.


You'd think they'd try a little harder to find an actress with a nice body for an erotic film with so much nudity. Emma's behind is non-existent and her breasts are so far apart from each other, they're like Anya Taylor Joy's eyes except not cute, just sad.




That's so thoughtful
