
so glad to be the first to post on this programme. My youngest two, aged 7 and 6 love this, it really is very clever and funny and not at all patronising as some kids shows are. Nanny Plum is fantastic but all the voice actors are great. My kids love it when Nanny Plum is rude to everyone and they literally fell on the floor with laughter at Mr Elf in "Big Bad Barry" (the best episode ever)as he listed the names of his boats and made an atrocious pun!


It's mutiny, mutiny on the Bunty.


I love the antagonistic relationship between Nanny Plum and the Wise Old Elf, especially the way she omits the word "wise" from his title at every opportunity.

On the Big Bad Barry front, the episode with the Elf submarine has the Wise Old Elf telling Nanny Plum to make Barry laugh so they can sail out of his mouth. She pooh-poohs the idea and so does Mr Elf when he hears it... until Nanny Plum says it was the Wise Old Elf's idea, to which Mr Elf responds, "It's brilliant!"

The biggest laugh from the series so far for me happened when the elves were cleaning up the fallen autumn leaves from around their tree. Having cleared a huge pile with elf hard work, they sound their horns, only to be buried under a new pile of falling leaves.


I love the bit when the cow sits on wise old elf, to mrs plum saying 'oh no' very loudly. when the others ask whats wrong, she say 'its raining and i forgot my umbrella!!' real naked gun stuff!!


My daughter loves this show and I agree the humour is brilliant for adults as well. the funniest one for me was when the evles and nanny plum where having a competion to build the best boat and Nanny plum was going to spy on the elves. One fo the fairies said "isn't that cheating" where Nanny Plum replied "why yes it is very good violet"

Hell is other People


Jelly Flood.. Lol..!!!!

This is so well written and acted adults want to buy it on DVD for themselves.


We just love this programme its so funny. Wise old elf is fantastic and his relationship with Nanny Plum is genius. The kids love it, but some of the humour is obviously aimed at us parents so everyone can enjoy it.


The plumbing episode when wise old elf states he didn't take 3 years of plumbing school just to kick things. Next thing you know he's ripping up the floor.

The other episode where he's called upon to rescue nanny plum and co from Lucy teachers desk "watch the elf ninja" then gets stuck in mid air. It's better than some adult programming and doesn't get the attention it deserves


silly old elf, back to yourself!!

Nuff said.


Did anyone catch the star trek reference. All of a sudden an elf with a Scottish accent shouts, "she can't take any more, captain" that's definitely one written for the grownups. I couldn't stop laughing.
