An eye opener

A must see and an eye opener for those bleeding heart leftist who keep getting blindsided by Muslims all over the world.


Good article exposing those who demonize the film (NYT, CAIR, Nazis): had/?singlepage=true
From the producer Shore

Claims that The Third Jihad is an anti-Islam film are ignorant and misinformed. These claims are meant simply to defame the filmmakers and prevent the public from judging the film for themselves. There is a very good reason the NYPD selected to show The Third Jihad to nearly 1,500 police officers, and other law enforcement agencies have done the same. The film deals with the very real process of radicalization and indoctrination of anti-American ideology taking place in some sectors of the Muslim community today.


Political Islamism is on the march. The West can hide its eyes to it and be unprepared, but being unprepared is a recipe for disaster.

E pluribus unum
