MovieChat Forums > The Apparition (2012) Discussion > HBO Keeps Playing This Turkey OVER and O...

HBO Keeps Playing This Turkey OVER and Over...

…That's why I finally said to myself, "Oh, what the hell."and watched it.

I actually hadn't seen a movie this bad since…um, "The Killer Shrews." And that was a long, long time ago. Until I came to the IMDB site I wondered if it was a first project from a film school dropout. Just what was it with those many, many "quick cuts" of high=power electric lines? There were so many that if they were deleted the film would probably be an hour long.

As for Ms. Greene's acting ability…it appeared to me as if she were suffering from a really, really bad menstrual period during the entire duration of the shoot.


I liked The Killer Shrews much better than this.


I thought her acting was OK - better than the guy's, at least. But this is a film that left me wondering why it was made. It's derivative and does nothing that hasn't been done better before. No interesting twists, no cool scenes, nothing. I was surprised to come here and find out it was not made for TV. It's SyFy quality, only without the gore. Ashley Greene's beauty was the only thing that made it watchable.



I thought her acting was OK - better than the guy's, at least.
Ashley Greene's beauty was the only thing that made it watchable.
Agree on both counts.🐭


I have "The Killer Shrews" on a DVD collection. It was one of those old chessey horror movies of the 50's. It beats this load of turd any day!
