Plastic is Our Friend!

The last episode I saw was talking about how after 100 years our buildings will be collapsing but plastic water bottles will still be floating around in the ocean .... Hey, there we go. Put notes in bottles and throw them into the sea.

Maybe future generations of aliens will pick them up and Earth's people will not be forgotten when we hit year 10,000.

See, and those "forever in a landfill" people thought that was a BAD thing.


Joking aside, it seemed like if you carved a message into a plastic block that it would last longer than anything else?

I'm in a glass case of emotion!


Or, for that matter, would a plastic house last longer then a brick and concrete house?


True the irony is that the bottle would survive but the message would deteriorate. Best would be to leave any messages for aliens in stone or plastic and make it in pictograms so the aliens have a chance at interpretting it correctly. Weird to think our trash might outlive us by such a long amount, immortal garbage!


Not if you wrote it on plastic sheeting in permanent marker.




The real irony would be if, in the future, some micro-organism or other creature were to evolve enzymes capable of breaking down plastics so that the creature could actually digest plastic.

In a way, this has already happened. Ever hear of something called the "nylon bug" (


Why would plastic last longer than gold, platinum and Iridium?
