MovieChat Forums > Big Miracle (2012) Discussion > Can't Abide Barrymore! You too?

Can't Abide Barrymore! You too?

Yes, I know she's talentless and that she was born into the industry ugly and privileged, still I hate seeing her in anything.


ladymoon - I'm with you. You wrote what I've thought about her since she's been an adult. She drives me completely batty talking out of the side of her mouth. Everyone I know thinks she's "adorable" - I just don't see it.

I will likely go see Big Miracle, but certainly not because I'll enjoy seeing the Famous Incessant Side Mouth Talker.



Drew is awesome. I'd marry her in an instant. To each their own, but I'm guessing the few people that really think she's "talentless" will have little affect on her career.


A lot of jealousy in these posts.


I don't understand what what going on with her half brown/half blond hair. It was awful and distracting. I get it was the 80's. But yet again she is in another 80's movie with unrealistic hair.


I agree with you too. I only saw this film for John Krasinski. Frankly, her character irritated the hell out of me.

"You can't fire me, I don't work in this van!"


haha, glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't like her. When she's in a close-up dramatic scene, she always looks like she's going to start laughing any second, which annoys the heck out of me.

However, I watched this movie due to it's storyline most of all and being based on a true story and enjoyed it, despite her being in it.

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