38 for zipper

it is impossible to get 38 for zipper in scrabble. You would get 38 for the word with the z on a triple but you have to connect it to another word, which would give you more points. i guess technically the p or could be on a triple which would give you 21 and your connecting word would make up the remaining 17 points but that scenario is unlikely


Sorry but your analysis is incomplete.

He could have laid ZIPPER so one or more letters formed a new word, thus adding points to the score.

P from ZIPPER connected with TO now spells TOP. Or E from ZIPPER connected with CON spells CONE. The possibilities are endless for how he could have scored 38 and he didn't say the Z was the triple letter score. It could have been a P or any other letter.


OP, no it ain't impossible..

Bottom center of board there are two triple-letter spots.

Starting with the Z on the left-most Triple-letter spot, place horizontally across:

z-i-p-p-e which connects to an R already there (which was a blank used as an R).

Z for 30
I for 1
P for 2
P for 2
E for 3 (1x3 for triple-letter)
R for 0 (is a blank)

That adds up to 38.


He did say the Z was a triple letter in the movie!!
