MovieChat Forums > Tosh.0 (2009) Discussion > Some Thread Asking Whether or Not this S...

Some Thread Asking Whether or Not this Show Has Become Irrelevant

If so, why? I mean I guess it'd be something to watch when you're intoxicated but if you're sober then why watch it? Just videos of people vomiting and the same old jokes that he thinks are crossing the line like sexism or mild racism.

I ask purely out of curiosity, consider it a poll.

Isn’t it interesting how in politics no one is ever right? The other party is just lying.


Some people are not young white social media loving Americans who hop on what ever hash tag is "trending" yeah

Your summation of the show doesn't mean much.
You can do the same for pretty much any show to belittle it.

Why do i get the feeling your one of the those douche bags that like Youtube ?

I can't stand Kiddiots on the internet that speak in Youtube links like it's some evolutionary new way to communicate with other Kiddiots.
I watch Tosh.0 and The Soup and Naked News etc that show clips from the internet
so that i don't have to go and look for them myself.. get it ?

Go nag all the losers that watch Martha Stewert living and bash that show for all the basket weaving

Or maybe the Amazing Race ? You can mock it for the Racing they do..

and leave us to watch our "Bad Comedian / Puke Show" in peace ;)

So there you have it.. my opinion (the correct one)


You actually think I'm a Twitter obsessed Youtube stalker because I disagree with you? There's no real need for you to be so defensive. I was merely asking a question.

Isn’t it interesting how in politics no one is ever right? The other party is just lying.


Lol!!! You're on fire!! That was so funny reading what your reply was! Thx for the laugh!!!!


Your modern derogatory rant is the equivalent of the old man in the 40's yelling at kids to get off his lawn and ranting inaudibly about "back in my day, ect ect yada yada. Trend is just another way of saying popular. Your precious Beatles and Elvis were once "Trending" believe it or not, I know, unfathomable right?

So thinking this show is garbage, reprocessed into a stew of more compressed garbage and somehow pressurized through the airwaves onto television is so offensive and bewildering to you that you must come to the conclusion that the guy is a child with the mental capacity of an infant, simply not capable of understanding true comedic genius like TOSH.O. HAHA you gave me a bigger laugh than the few chuckles I used to get from this show. Dbag.


In a couple of hours, Daniel Tosh will be an old man in his 40s.

"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"


Yeah I don't know why I said 40's that's not really that old. The guy just sounded like a 40 year old hipster db to me so I stuck with 40... The "get off my lawn" quote is usually reserved for folks in their late 60s --mid 70s if aged well-- and beyond. I think its mentally visualized by most people as the old man using a walker with tennis balls on the legs heading out in the morning to pick up his daily paper from the company that is only still in business because he is alive and still reads hard-copy newspapers, clueless to the fact that paper news is virtually non-existent for people under 35 today. I also visualize him out for his evening walk before dinner at 4:00pm, yelling at the school children just getting out of class to stay off his grass and slow down whilst shaking a menacing fist in the air as if to say he's ready to punch your young face if you don't obey his will. Who can blame em? If I stormed the Nazi pricks in 1944 I'd want to get my way too, and yell at people who weren't giving it to me. Particularly with the red scare afterwards, what an odd time this country was from the point directly after WW1, around 1920 on to 1980 when it got dull, then 2005 brought tech to the "masses" where it was just a geek think before. now it's cool to be into tech. Anyway, screw Tosh point Zero.

P.S. nice signature, I'm about to catch up on the latest two episodes 06 and 07 of Game of Thrones right now. Baelish is the most prominent influencing figure in the show, I think few people realize that... He has caused just about everything to happen by his will and manipulation I forget how but didn't he also start Ned's beheading and the war to follow somehow too?


He's funny, regardless whether his lines are written for him or not, his delivery is great. Most of the clips aren't even that funny, it's mostly his commentary, it's like watching YouTube videos with a hilarious friend who makes the video funnier. I also love the over the top shenanigans like the Web redemptions. The show I can't stand is, ridiculousness! Good god, Rob isn't funny at all. Every time I watch that show (husband likes it, I'm a victim) I always think of how if I wanted to see any of those lame video's I can just browse YouTube for a while without Rob and his ridiculous hosting skills.


yep I do


It's good CLEAN American fun! Lol. Ya, pretty nasty show.


Yes, his delivery is amazing, psychotic eyes, quizzical smile...oh heck, I have crush and I don't care who knows. That's probably why I watch this show.

Very nice, how much?


I think he and his writers either getting lazy or running out of videos on the internet (?!)

I haven't seen Tosh.0 in a while, but watched last week's episode. The featured video was a kid on a skateboard supposedly being pulled behind a speeding car. The video was so obviously photoshopped, it ruined any notion of "OMG! That must have hurt!" when he fell down at what they claimed to be 40 mph. Never mind that he rolled down the road in slow motion with no cuts, scrapes, or even any dirt on his bare legs and elbows. Or that the pavement was moving twice as fast as the kid. Or that his shadow didn't remotely match reality.

With all the real (or at least better quality) videos on the internet of idiots doing stupid things, why bother with a low quality fake?

And I was surprised they are still doing the viewer video of the week segment after all these years. It was mildly amusing the first few times (in an ironic hipster sort of way) that the viewer video was awful and not remotely funny. But after 6 or 7 years, it just comes off as filler so they wouldn't have to write snarky comments for one last video every week.

I guess making a cartoon nobody watches is taking up too much of Tosh's time now.

I'm your Huckleberry.


I do because it is a funny show to me. Comedy is subjective. I am pretty sure Tosh.0 is one of the highest rated shows on Comedy Central now. You are in the minority and no cares about your crappy taste in comedy.

What are you a Mormon?

Your poll is lame.

Yes. I always have my coffee when I watch radar, you know that.


What does Mormonism have to do with taste in comedy? Oh, and your mom is lame. Therefore your argument does not stand.

R.I.P. Terriers.


You could be easily offended. Stick to your G Disney rated comedies.

Yes. I always have my coffee when I watch radar, you know that.


Well "highly rated" on CC could be under 1 million people, so those not watching it aren't exactly in the minority...


Yep, I DVR it every week and never miss an episode. More more NON-PC the better. And I don't drink or smoke, I'm as sober as they come.


Season 7 is as funny as season 1 and given how cheap the show is to produce (it costs nothing to pull video clips from youtube), I could see it sticking around a few more years. I think Tosh's brand of humor wills tart to work against him though. The brash irreverent frat boy schtick will start to lose its sway when Tosh is a middle aged man.
