Religious propaganda

Why idiots keep on making movies about dead zombies that probably never even existed is beyond me. There should be a law against this kind of rubbish being produced. Go feed a starving kid before spending money on spreading religious lies through the glorious format of film.


As George Carlin would say the greatest BS story ever told.


There were no dead zombies in the movie. And it's not propaganda.

A thought from this movie -- what if the world lived like Jesus? You say "Go feed a starving kid" well that's what Christianity is all about. If we were all like Christ the world would be a much better place. Starving children would be fed because people wouldn't be so caught up in their selfishness. Christianity helps people in need. Buying a Mustang or a vacation home or what-have-you does nothing good for the needs of mankind except it pumps a few dollars into the economy. But those things are done out of selfishness when the same money could be used how Christ would use it -- to help many, many people who are in dire need of food and clean water and simple medicines that most Americans simply take for granted.

Instead of knocking Christianity, read about the wonderful things Christian organizations do to help people. And then ask yourself, "What if everyone on your street and in your town had such a heart to sacrifice a little to help others?" How great that would be!


naaaah balls to that id sooner have the mustang.


I understand you felt the need to vent your spleen through your comment about this movie. However, for you to rely on the same old, tired, empty cliches only renders you to the growing pile of bitter, lost people, who have nothing better to do than to bash something they don't understand.

Obamunism: The end of the Republic.
At times like these, I really hate being right!


It never ceases to amaze me about how some people look at life through a double standard. One who would wish that Christian programming should not be allowed to be produced would probably not have the same objection to programming about non Christian subjects. The the wonderful thing about our country is that all points of view are "allowed" access to the public air waves to rise or fall on the merit of the subject. There are certainly many programs on the air that I object to as a Born Again Christian and I am free not to watch them. I would never advocate that there should be a law against "that kind of rubbish" being produced.

Jesus in His life never forced Himself on anyone. When He and His followers were not welcomed in one town, His followers wanted Him to ask God to send fire from heaven to destroy that town. He told His followers that if they came to a town that rejected them that they should shake the dust off their shoes and move on. Our history is filled with many shameful actions in His name forcing Christianity on others that would never have been sanctioned by Him. If someone does not like Christian programming they are free to change the channel and not look at it. That is what the First Amendment is all about.
