MovieChat Forums > Braquo (2009) Discussion > Un épisode de plus et je me jette d'un p...

Un épisode de plus et je me jette d'un pont (A terrible show)

Des flics dépressifs dans un ambiance dépressive avec des lumières dépressives et un ville dépressive.
Un scénario pathétique, des acteurs moyens, des personnages portant tous les mêmes caractéristiques : Braquo est un échec.

Qui peut croire à une ambiance aussi factice ? Le cocaïnomane fait la gueule, le chef fait la gueule, la fille fait la gueule et le chauve ressemble aux autres. Comme dirait Gad Elmaleh : "moi aussi j'ai des problèmes !"
Résultat on n'aime pas les personnages, résultat on s'ennuie, résultat le sombre annule le sombre et des idées intéressantes sont dissoutes dans ce grand marécage déprimant et sans relief.

Braquo is a terrible show that you ought not to see. Marchal wanted so badly to convey a depressing atmosphere that he made his serie unwatchable and boring.


Just saw a recommendation on an english magazine where they say it's the French 'The Wire'. Was looking forward to it, cause I'm hooked on Engrenages at the moment.

Is it really that bad?


Watched series 1 & it was very good, quite gripping in parts.


The French 'The Wire' is Engrenages, a far superior show to Braquo and easily as good as The Wire in my opinion. I don't think Braquo is quite as bad as the person said, but it's no Engrenages.


I'm defenitely on your side, Lapinou. Cette série est surfaite, surjouée et scénarisée à la truelle. Who cares about these characters? Death can only be a deliverance for them! Marchal est un excellent réalisateur, mais Braquo est un échec... surtout les épisodes mis en scène par d'obscurs tacherons payés au mètre de pelloche. Dommage pour Anglade.


I have discovered Braquo while looking up other work of Olivier Marchal. I have watched season 1 and most of season 2 during the last weekend. I find this one of the best and gripping series I've seen in a long time. Gritty, violent, emotional and dark. With terrific turns from all 4 leads. I already liked Marchal's films but with Braquo he blew me away.
Tonight I'll be watching the season 2 finale. Can't wait for season 3...


Watched the Season 2 finale yesterday....OMG!!

Just read that they're filming season 3, can't wait!


Whoever compared this to the wire had to be on drugs. Its more a cross between Beverly hills cop and futurama, without any comedy.

Even season 1 which was ok is nowhere near the wire. Not on any level.


I'm not sure if it's meant to be comedic or not but certain lines by Eddy Caplan are making me laugh. For example when he says he's not worried about consequences, only where the next problem is coming from! Too right!

Away with the manners of withered virgins


Are you freaking trolling?

Its a *beep* solid serie that is very bleak and violent. Its not comparable to the Wire though. It is closer to the Shield then anything else. Like that serie it is imperfect but still immensively watchable and a lot better then most of the series out there nowadays.


I wouldn't say it was terrible. Far fetched, yes. I've suspended my disbelief completely and so enjoy it for what it is. It's nothing like The Wire, which focuses on the nuts and bolts of police procedure as much as the lives of the police. Braquo is about a criminal maelstrom within a police unit and the fractured, dysfunctional lives of the cops it involves.

The one bonus for a viewer like me is the eye candy, especially Nicolas Duvauchelle ... ;)

Away with the manners of withered virgins


Ahem..."une" episode, "une" ambiance and "une" ville, I would say!


En fait, Braquo would be more like the french "The Shield" than "The Wire"... Anybody else here likes The Shield?


Ahem..."une" episode, "une" ambiance and "une" ville, I would say!

And you would say it wrong. Episode est un nom masculin. On dit "un" épisode, coco.
