Season 3 sucks

Season 3, just like season 2, sucks and confirms that this show is lost in the hands of Abdel Raouf Dafri.


I can't remember how Season 2 ended - Do I need to see a recap somewhere or will I be ok watching the 3rd season by itself? (I mean is there a deep connection between the 2 seasons or fairly independent of each other)?

Thanks in advance


big connection


Have to disagree with you - I am enjoying Season 3 (as much as I did season 1). Season 2 was a bit slow and holes


This show sure makes the French out to be a drawer full of dull knives. Surely they can't all be as dumb as they are portrayed in this show.

Most of them look like they could really use a bath as well.


I like Braquo. There's never a dull moment, is there? And all in a language on permanent speed dial.

But what does the name "Braquo" actually mean? Anybody?


Braquo comes from the word "Braquage", which means robbery


Thanks, Sam. A catchy title dripping with originality and resonance.


I agree that the show has lost its way and I'm not going to watch season 4.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.
