MovieChat Forums > Lost Girl (2010) Discussion > Anywhere to watch season 5 in US?

Anywhere to watch season 5 in US?

If anyone knows where we can watch season five in the US please let me know. I got hooked on seasons 1-4 on Netflix but now can't find a place to see season 5A. Thanks!!!



I tried to help you out but they deleted my post. Send me a private message and I'll tell you where you can find LG on the Internet.


showcase with hola add on


Thanks! This is the first time I've heard about Hola (it seems popular) and I'm sure it'll come in handy.


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To clarify: I'm not asking for sources for bootleg videos. I'm happy to pay for rental or purchase with proper copyrights. The show streams for free on TV network websites in some locations and was available in the US via syfi on demand in the past because they own broadcast rights to the show. I'm just not sure where (if anywhere) it's available in the US now, thus the request for info.


SyFy and iTunes USA wont have the show till sometime in 2016. If you use Google Chrome you can add the extension HOLA and change your VPN to Canada and watch the episode that Showcase currently has on their website. This is legal and I have done this successfully before.

However, I like to download the video and watch the episode on a 55 HD TV instead.



I saw that Showcase has the finale available and was tempted to watch it but decided to view them in order whenever they're all available again (I've only watched through the end of season 4). I'm bummed that I missed the original SyFy showings and that it's not on demand anymore. Perhaps they'll replay them (or make them available for purchase from Amazon) before the second half of the final season starts next year...


My guess is SyFy will replay the first 8 episodes before they show the finale 8. This could be as early as Janurary. Not too much time to wait.


You're not missing anything by not watching the Syfy (US) version of Lost Girl. The episodes you see in the United States are cut to squeeze in as many commercials as Syfy can bombard you with. Syfy's cutting out 50 seconds of dialog between Bo and Lauren from the last episode of Season 4 (Dark Horse) resulted in a petition asking the network to "consider how the deletion of decisive dialogue between Bo and Lauren created a different perception among American audiences of Lauren's motivations towards Bo and of their romantic relationship." (source: Unfortunately, scenes involving Lauren and Bo & Lauren always got the knife. People who have only seen the Lost Girl episodes broadcast by Syfy in the United States have never actually seen the original, start to finish, episodes seen by Canadians.

Lost Girl is a Canadian TV series produced for the Showcase channel. The only legal online videos of Season 5 are available on Showcase's website at The only way for anyone outside of Canada to watch them is (as another person suggested) by using Chrome browser and adding the Hola! extension to it ( You must make sure that you are browsing from Canada or Showcase's server will still reject your IP address. A little Canadian flag will appear and remain on the toolbar where the Hola button is located. This flag icon needs to be visible before you enter Showcase's website. I dislike what Showcase has done since Season 4 by making them "enhanced" videos -- which means that you get popups informing viewers about some detail in a scene. Most of these are absurd and irrelevant. But at least you get to see uncut episodes.

If you were located within Canada you could purchase Season 5 episodes from iTunes Canada. There was an announcement by Prodigy Pictures earlier this year that they were trying to make the episodes available on iTunes/US, but it hasn't happened yet. (For those who will assume Syfy has something to do with it: it doesn't. Syfy has no ownership of Lost Girl episodes. Syfy is only an international distributor. In some countries, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is the distributor of Lost Girl.)


You make a great point about it being available for purchase IN Canadian already... I'm actually headed to Toronto in two weeks for a family birthday. Maybe I can just buy the whole season while I'm up there and then I'd actually be ahead of the US broadcasts and see the uncut versions...

Or I could just be patient until they air again, I guess. :)


You are probably more versed in buying items from Canada's iTunes.

My thought is that if you do buy LG from iTunes Canada, that you immediately download them onto whatever devise you use because once you return to the USA, you wont have access to them again. But, with that many videos it would take up lots of space on your device.

You might see if you can transfer video from iTunes Canada to iTunes USA after purchase. Not sure you can.


Yeah, I looked into it last night and won't attempt it, as tempting as it is. People seem do it a lot - ordering things from foreign iTunes sites - but my interpretation is that it violates the iTunes user agreement to use their products in a country other than where it was sold. I'd want to be sure I could rewatch them here if I purchased them there.

I'll just wait until they start airing again in January and hope Syfy rebroadcasts the first half first. :)


There are sites where you can watch Lost Girl online, without the hassle of dealing with ITunes or Showcase (or Netflix). I won't put up the urls here, because I understand that would be a violation of IMDb's rules. But I will advise you to go to Bing (or google if you prefer) and do a little searching. It shouldn't take you long to have it at your fingertips, so to speak.

We provide ... Leverage.


Wow, I was unaware that syfy here in the U.S. Cut out dialogue/scenes. Not that I'm a Doccubus shipper (I actually didn't care one way or another who Bo ended up with), but I would like to see the original dialogue. Do you know if the DVD season sets have the original content? The U.S. DVD versions I mean.

I was very annoyed to find out that the different region versions of the DVD (or blue ray) sets of "dominion" had different content as to the deleted scenes. I hope that is not the case with "Lost Girl". LG is one Netflix. Does Netflix have the original
content or is it cut too?


I think that the DVD's have the original Canadian versions. Netflix does.

It does not matter if you are a Doccubus shipper. The deleted dialoge changes the whole "feel" of a scene. Lauren's character is more cold with the deleted scenes/dialog and her intentions are more cloudy. Obviously, not the intentions of the creators of LG.


Funimation/Giant Ape Media is the distributor of Lost Girl DVDs & Blu-rays for Region 1 (that's Canada and United States). Their covers come with a large blue sticker on them that says: "Featuring Uncut Footage Never Seen on Syfy".

Syfy is the worst channel for seeing TV shows produced for television in other countries because of the amount of commercials per hour that it bombards viewers with. A TV series with original episodes that are 44 minutes long (such as Lost Girl) or longer are never aired as-is in the United States. They all have to be edited to fit the poop-load of Syfy's commercials.


It will be on Netflix on April 17th!!!


Exactly right. Just got an email from Netflix and went there to confirm. S5 was added today (4/17).

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