What happened at the end?

The last part I saw was when the sister of Pat and the "detective?" are interviewing the husband. Did she ever get caught for murder?


She got away with her role in Tom's case but eventually was arrested for trying to poison his grandparents so she could inherit their estate (she manipulated them into naming her beneficiary); she served 8 years and then was released.

She next went on to manipulate a wealthy couple named Crist into hiring her as their nurse; they soon got ill and Mr. Crist died.

Tom got out of prison after serving 15 1/2 years and the cops had him go over his parents deaths again as they were convinced of Pat's role in manipulating and choreographing it all (going so far as hiring someone to cut their power and phone lines), most likely hoping Tom would be killed as well.

When they spoke with him, Tom mentioned seeing Pat right after the killing and how she told him to find his own way home (which was 60 miles away); he did so and they went on to tell the police they didn't see each other the next morning.

He also admitted that even back then he wondered if he and his father were set up.

Pat was arrested and pled guilty to seven charges (including theft, attempted murder, and posing as a registered nurse) under the agreement that she never be charged with the murder of Mr. Crist or investigated for the murder of Tom's parents.

She was sentenced to eight years and has been out since 1999.
