Fox + The Shower I the only one who WASN'T surprised when they showed all those clips of Fox "conveniently" talking to guys in the shower?

I knew it! He was just WAY too into his hair.

I love the smell of racist, bigoted trolls and ignorant, inflammatory lames early in the morning.



I almost broke a rib laughing when he was checking whoever it was out and I believe Cage was like "WTF are you doing?" and Fox replies stupidly, "What happened?" and just stares at Cage. Downright HILARIOUS!!!!

RIP Michael Jackson 1958-2009
You Will Forever Be Missed


Hhahaha I loved that too! Fox was checking out ChiChi and Chi said "you trying to check out my ding dong?" or whatever and Cage laughed and Fox looked all confused and said "What happened?" ha we ALL know he heard ChiChi!
