Krista Simmons

Does anyone else find her exceptionally annoying? I find I completely disregard every comment she makes. I hope they don't bring her back next season.


I find all the judges to be dead weight aside from james and ruth. When ruth was on her own specials a few years back, she was remarkable


Were her specials on Bravo? Thanks.


ruth's specials, Eating out loud aired on Food network in 2003. she toured three major cities in three episodes.




I liked that curly-haired british guy from the first two season of Masters. I don't think he could stand Oosland though.


I think that was Jay, correct? Yeah, he didn't get along well with Oseland and I think Oseland has a lot of pull in this show, so you can kind of figure out what happened with Jay leaving.


Is she the one that keeps her upper lip curled under so it looks like she has no upper lip and talks without moving it? I can't stand to watch her talk.

Unless specified as fact, everything above is 100% my opinion.
