Why the hate? (spoiler)

While I agree this is scoring slightly too highly (I gave it 6/10), I don't get the pure hate for this film from a lot of people. The main page review right now gives it 1/10, which is nonsense.

Low budget, but doesn't really show it, good story (I didn't like the ending much although at least it took the trouble to explain things), decent acting and plenty of gore. I liked that no-one was safe and that even the initially sympathetic characters changed in the battle for survival. It thoroughly entertained me for 80 minutes.

I agree that there any many films with skewed ratings, and glowing reviews by connections. That is why I only read the external critic reviews. If you're not convinced by the worth of this film, read the external reviews rather than the IMDb user reviews. And you'll find they are full of praise for this little gem.


And how can you not love a film that in the first five minutes has a young girl (who seems like she's going to be a main character) beat terminal cancer only for her head to explode a minute later?


I enjoyed the film - its far from perfect but one of its flaws is the *look* ...it just looks cheap...though some of the kills and exploding heads were quite well done...plus the ending looked like it had some money spent on it - not bad but having seen some low budget movies which ARE better looking theres room for improvement


7/10, I like the acting and character development, plus I'm a fan of this genre. Based on the negative reviews it seems like people watched a different movie than I did.


I agree with a 5 or 6 rating. It has 5.7 at the moment. I'm not sure why you'd call a fair rating "hate". Disregard the 1s and the 10s, this is iMDB, you don't want to care about people who can only express their opinion in extremes.

Low budget and it shows, really. The same special effect is used for nearly all on-screen deaths. It got boring fast, after the first...

Good premise, but there's no story, as far as I could tell. Even Mortal Kombat had more of a story than this movie.

The ending explained nothing. It was like that "Aliens." meme. No why, no how, no nothing. Just Aliens, who did what they did, because otherwise there'd be no movie.

One-legged guy could act. That's about it. Then again, it's hard to appreciate an actor's work, when he's made to play a bland character, so I wouldn't hold this movie against everyone who played in it.

I hated that they made it a sprint instead of a marathon. How many laps do they end up running? 4? 5 at the most? Yet, almost everyone manages to get lapped, twice. 79 people die in what seems to be a few hours at most, while this kind of "event" must last a few days.

The only way I could've liked this movie is if I hadn't read The Long Walk or seen Battle Royale or Das Experiment beforehand. That book and those two movies have everything this movie had, only they're better in every possible aspect.

But what really ruined it, for me, was the feeling of omniscience they gave us, the viewers, coupled with the feeling of not knowing what's happening, or why. We see everything, but understand nothing, even after the movie's over.

Long story short, I had the same feeling watching that movie as I get when I watch an Adam Sandler movie. It's not that bad, but it certainly isn't good either, mostly because it's all been done before, and better, too.


I personally agree that it doesn't deserve a 1/10 and that there is a lot of hate for this film, however I think this is the kind of film that simply brings out strong reactions.

Honestly, despite liking a few elements of this - the war backstory friendship, the main character guy and the general premise (in a vague sort of way) I do think it is honestly one of the worst films I've ever seen and I have seen a great deal of films.

But I can explain. It's not the kind of hate sprung from prejudice or lack of understanding. I was rooting for this film to be good, even great given the potentially awesome premise. And yet, at every turn it left me wanting, frustrated and eventually just furious that such a great story could be so mauled by so many things.

The little "trick" with Victoria in the beginning was sneaky, but it really didn't feel intentionally clever, like in Feast. It felt forced, like someone insisting "This film is going to blow your mind because we killed off the main character in the first five minutes!"

Also, the way it was shot. This was a big problem for me. It felt ridiculously amateur and needlessly so. I've seen a TON of brilliant, extremely low budget films that weren't shot so poorly. It felt badly put together and rushed.

Then there's the story and the people. From a distance, the story sounds pretty good. Watching it unfold however, was not enjoyable at all. It was needlessly grim and dull in parts, robbing what should have been tension and cold fear and replacing it with irrelevant dialogue, badly executed backstory and with the exception of one, some extremely uninteresting characters.

The deaf couple. On paper, is should have worked brilliantly. However, their entire back story and scene was so terribly shot, written and acted that I found myself wanting to skip it. There are ways to show things, nuances and emotions, back story and character...this film really missed the mark with these two. The deaf female was weak and grating (what were her TEETH doing at times?) and the deaf male was revolting, even before he turned evil. What was the ten second long shot of him giving the finger to the woman who bumped into his girlfriend? Unnecessary rubbish that ultimately detracts from what could have been a genuinely great story.

The gore was what I expected; over the top and utilising that fake blood that's not the right colour of blood. The sound effects, however, for when people exploded were quite perfect. I felt the pain and every nuance of that death simply through the sound effect.

Ultimately, the story was squandered on terrible characters and over the top deaths. This needed more pacing, much better dialogue (relating to the story, maybe?) and a far superior director and producer. I felt so robbed of the potential (Imagine if Steven King had been involved!) and sickened by the terrible twists and turns that I genuinely hate this film now.

It didn't feel lazy or low budget, it felt purposefully bad. Eddie McGee redeemed this film a little and his story was compelling and thoughtful but the rest of it was either failed shock value and over compensating gore.

So I am a hater. I came, I saw and I hated.

Sorry. But, there.

___"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Except for trolls."____


Although we disagree mycellardoor24, at least you've explained in detail why you didn't like it. Hats off!



I watched this on a streaming website so the quality would have been pretty bad, also my screen is 10 inches. Still: I thought it was quite well shot. Pretty good angles, nothing film-school in my opinion (except there was a terrible fade screen at one point near the beginning!).

I don't understand all the hate. I thought it was very unexpected without being to gratuitous, completely broke away from the standard horror plotline too. I don't like gory movies but I thought this had something to it. The end was wackadoo, but as I was expecting so little after reading all the scathing comments on here, the movie itself actually exceeded my expectations.

It had moments of depth too.. like how the deaf girl was devastated that she had caused the death of the woman who had pushed into her earlier in the movie but then the deaf girl became a killing machine. It was an interesting transition.

I am very glad that the deaf man didn't rape her though, that would have been too much.

All in all, I thought the movie came together pretty well. Although I was hoping the reason for it all was that there had been a bomb on the street and all of the people on the block had died and then descended into Dante-esque hell. That would have been great.


You streamed an independent film? You suck.


People on imdb love to bitch. I gave it a 10/10 and would even say it is one of the best films I've seen in a long time. Of course people on imdb will bitch no matter what since that is expected.


it was waaaaaaay better than The Hunger games
