MovieChat Forums > The Human Race (2014) Discussion > Question about the ending

Question about the ending

Can anyone explain the ending to me?


Depends on which part of the ending you're talking about.

Overall, the whole point was to find a person from each planet to represent their species in a fight.. Like a galactic mortal kombat.. The crutch dude won for earth, so at the end, he's put up against at least one (that we see) opponent from another world. It's just a cool take on aliens/abduction, and I thought it was cool.


Also, the second match rules changed. I can't remember specifically what the second one was, but basically it said you can't touch a certain part of the sky.. so the rules adapted for the creature who could fly. In the human race, the rules were a version for a race, and had elements to make the match even, which is why I think they wrote it the way they did, with the one-legged guy winning.. It's metaphoric in a sense that you'd assume (besides the old man), that he would be the first to go, yet he won.. So the grass, going the wrong way, being lapped, all things that the players could take advantage of, were the willing to "do whatever it takes to fight for life" (or whatever the voice said..)

They did a great job with the budget. I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed it.


It was a cool movie all in all.

But if they do a sequel I don't think a human is beating that flying creature or anything from any other race.


That was my main concern. I liked his character alot but I couldn't see how he could possibly win the next round. That flying thing looked crazy.


I think that was a point, the message being ha, ha, we human's think we're the only intelligent life in the universe, but there's not, and even our best can't stack up against them.


So you are saying is that one legged man at the end of his strength without any knowledge about enemy what so ever is "our best"... And with rules that if you basically touch the ground you die and with this going against flying enemy? OK ... I say most unfair aliens ever


but why choose only people from 1 block?


Think of it as random sampling. They basically just came in, took random people from one spot and set them loose.

That's about it.


Sounds about right.


Taking 80 people who are all on the same street at the same time Is about as far from random as is possible.


I don't think it was random either.
I think they specifically chosed that block due to the variëty of the people.

For instance..

Multiple races: Hispanics/Latino, Asians, Negro's, Caucasians..
Multiple believes: Christianity (the priest), Islam (Muslem)
Multiple handicaps: Deaf people (2x), old people.

As not all the 80 people have been highlighted so I don't know if there was jewish, budhist or a hindu people.
Nor if there were mutes, blind or gay people..

"Gar nicht so übel, du kleine Schlampe. Man sieht sich immer zweimal, Kleine."
