She was a Victim

I have read some unbelievably disgusting posts on this board about Linda. Calling her a "liar" and that she "liked it". Wow, some really iqnorant people here, probably mostly men.

Do people not realize Linda was only 21 when she met Traynor? No, she wasn't a "child" but it was here first experience away from home under the control of her parents. She unfortunately met a sociopath who controlled her and made her become a prostitute and porn star.

Yes! A match made in hell. This has happened too many times to count. Linda was a naive and not so bright Young Woman who fell in love with a sadistic man who gave her attention. Do people not realize that this exists? That this happens? She was weak and didn't have anything else in her life. Did people not see the scene where Traynor left her in a motel room to get Gang Raped by a Group of Men?! Do you actually think she enjoyed it?

He had control over her mind. Drugs, Money, Sex, Booze, she was under his control. This has happened many times. Look at Elizabeth Smart, being kidnapped and brainwashed in a matter of days. Linda was in many ways still like a child. She had never experienced life as an adult. Unfortunately the first people that showed her acceptance were dirty crooks who were into drugs and pornography. When she Did become a Porn Star she received a LOT of attention, that ultimately gave her acceptance.

Years later she did regret her past experiences. And she was ABUSED by a sociopath. I am SO tired of people not understanding Abuse. You have Absolutely NO idea what trauma and abuse can do to a person. You only see the Physical damage and don't bother to understand the Mental and Emotional trauma.

Unfortunately a lot of abused women still love their abusers and in some ways feel they deserve it. Linda's First Love was Traynor. Thankfully she did escape his brutality and ended up marrying a nice man and had kids. It is absolutely disgusting that Men today call her a liar and still only see the physicality of what she is known for and not bothering to understand the emotional and mental brutality she endured.


I won't say she wasn't abused but you can't say definitively that she didn't start doing the movies willingly and that she enjoyed it. Remember she said this after she fell in with radical feminists, some of whom consider any sexual act as rape and that people on set said she was having a good time and was in control when Traynor wasn't around. Now does that sound like someone who was being forced to do something and as being raped?


But she was young and was brainwashed. Did she participate? Yes. Did she enjoy it? Probably yes. She found a man who gave her attention and guidance and found a group of people that accepted her. This happens all the time. I have studied psychology for years and college and have read about some women who even fell in love with sociopathic murders who talked them into killing. Now I'm not saying that these woman are 100% innocent and yes they do need to own up to their part. But what people don't understand is when young naive immature women become under the control of a dominant abusive man their whole entire world can be warped.

But to answer your question does that sound like someone who was being forced and to do something as being raped? Yes and no.

She probably did enjoy making the films because they gave her attention, attention she never got as a child and from being home. Did she regret this? Of course, I'm pretty sure most porn stars (when they're off the drugs) regret their decisions. But Traynor did abuse her, and she was raped by people. Maybe on set when she was high it seemed like she was having a great time but looks can be deceiving.

All in all Linda regretted her life in the porn industry which is understandable. I just can't stand these men who love porn and when they hear a woman didn't like what she did they get all upset and call her a liar. Wow. THankfully Linda did get out of the porn industry and met a kind man and lived good years with her family.


That is exactly my point. If she enjoyed it when it was happening and she was getting famous for it, she can't turn around and say she was forced and raped every time you see her on camera. I have no doubt that she regretted her decisions but that is exactly what they were, HER DECISIONS! What she did was like someone who robs a bank blames the fact that he was out of work for the reason he robbed the bank. In other words, she didn't take responsibility for her actions and choices. Like I said, I'm sure she regretted it and I am 100% positive that Chuck beat her from time to time but regrets are a part of life and if she just said "Yeah, I made those movies and I wish I didn't" that would be one thing but she blamed everyone but herself.


I do agree with some of what you said. People do need to own up to their part. I guess I didn't realize she painted the picture that every single time she did a film she was "forced".

But in a larger scope I do believe she was abused and brainwashed. And behind the scenes she was raped not only by Traynor but other men so Traynor could make money. The mob made a lot of the movies she made so it doesn't surprise me that everyone who worked on the film calls her a liar and says everyonehad a great time.

But I do agree that she wasn't 100% the victim and wasn't forced at gunpoint to do all of the things she did. She did participate. But I do understand how women or anyone for that matter can get sucked into a lifestyle they normally wouldn't choose for themselves and then find themselves stuck in it and can't get out of it. I do believe Linda was a victim in many ways at the hand of abuse.


You all liked it...I did, and so did she.


No one liked chuck from the set. many of them say they believe her and that chuck was in fact abusive. she also passed a polygraph when asked if he really did abuse her.


Holy crap, I never said he didn't abuse her. However, there is zero proof that he abused her ON SET. My point too was that if she didn't want to do it in the first place and was forced to do it, then why did her performance suddenly get better when Chuck wasn't on set. What I believe happened is that she got bitter because her mainstream career didn't happen so she blamed it on porn and said she was forced into it and all these other things.

I'm sure she genuinely regretted her choices but they were her choices and she should have accepted that.


i had never realized that so many of the women in porn regretted it so much until i watched this

i don't think that there is anything wrong with it provided the participants are there voluntarily and not because they were backed into a corner.


No feminist would consider any sexual act rape you sociopath. That is a very sick and disturbing comment.

I don't think it was as bad as she has said, but I do believe of coercion and rape.


There was a small group of anti-porn feminists, led by Andrea Dworkin, who as a point of rhetoric once said that in a patriarchal society, all heterosexual sex was rape. Dworkin was pretty extreme, and even though I can be radical in my own feminist beliefs, I rarely agreed with her, but at any rate, I don't think she meant the point literally; she was just saying (and she said it decades ago) that any time two groups are unequal, there will always be an element of coercion.

You can't turn that into "Feminists think all sex is rape."

RE: bruises. I have seen Deep Throat, and Lovelace has bruises on the backs of her legs.


Johns will tell you their hookers were doing it voluntarily and loving it even though their pimps are not in the room. Does not mean their pimps didn't use coercion and financial control ( outside of sessions ) to make them do it.

Some people do things because they didn't see a way out. And they only make changes when a way out is being presented to them.

Are you going to tell me victims with Stockholm syndrome did everything their captors asked willingly? There was even a kidnapped girl who refused to give her real name even though she was by herself. Does that mean she wanted to go back to her captors?


i think that maybe you don't understand the full extent of being abused. just because he was not right there the whole time does not mean that she was not scared of him. women who are abused are not watched 24-7 and they still stay in the relationship, in her book she says that you could see the bruises on her legs in the movie. that was where he beat her before the film.


so explain why she had sex with a dog(s) on film ?


She was forced into this the same way she was forced into prostitution by Chuck.


She wasn't a victim at all. The "abusive husband" was just an excuse she made to whore out. So she feels bad about being a hooker, then she can conveniently blame her POS husband for her promiscuous life style


it is amazing what jackasses people will be when they think that they are anonymous.


it is amazing what jackasses people will be when they think that they are anonymous.



she was a victim. end of story.

No need for childish ridiculous posts.


If you choose to start using drugs are you a victim as well?


I would honestly rather have my daughter commit murder than make adult films


Well then you are a moron. Sure,being in adult movies may be shameful for many people but being in them doesn't hurt anyone.


I would honestly rather have my daughter commit murder than make adult films

wtf. talk about mixed up values.

Larry Gaylord: "a billion come in on a day off,and they don't flip out!"


Maybe the real Linda Lovelace was a victim? But the Lovelace portrayed in this film was not a victim at all. She was responsible for all of her actions. Hell, she even came from a nice family, and had two parents that loved and cared for her. How does Linda repay her parents' love? By disgracing them and pretty much doing the worst possible think imaginable.


When did Linda kill someone? Anyway, this movie was based on books that Linda herself wrote so the portrayal shown in the movies is based on her accounts.


She was responsible for being beaten by her husband when she said - before Deep Throat - that she didn't want to do it anymore? She was responsible for being gang raped by her husband's pals so he could make back some money? You're sick.


i have never seen deep throat, however she says in her book that her bruises were visible. the film skims over that but shows the makeup artist talking about them.


i think some of these posters are probably the same people who don't think a wife can be raped by her husband.


It reminded me of The Annabel Chong story about that girl who started doing porn, loving all the fake attention and claiming at the same time it was a feminist act and then having 250 men gang bang her (ouch!) only to come across more and more screwed up as the documentary goes on. Later, she also did a U turn and killed off her porn star persona and is now an unknown computer programmer.

Who knows what the truth was with Lovelace? Maybe a bit of both: Her husband was abusive but at the same time she could have craved attention... I can't believe she did it with a dog. That's disgusting!


She was just a piece of garbage. What a gross woman. I puke in the toilet as I think of her.



I feel sorry for her for what suffered at the hands of her husband, but there is this tendency to conflate that with the supposed "abuse" of women by the porno industry. Some of my internet friends have interviewed porno actresses and most of them don't consider themselves "victims", and frankly they come off as a lot more honest and far, far more intelligent than Linda Lovelace.

I don't know why only men can be considered "sociopaths". Lovelace obviously is not a violent sociopath like Traynor, but she was sociopathic in the lies she told. Gerard Damiano simply did NOT put a gun to her head and force her to have sex with a dog. Everybody that was there denies such a thing ever happened (regardless of how they feel about the porn industry today). And Lovelace didn't make this claim at the height of her fame, but only--very conveniently-- in 1980 when she'd slipped into obscurity.

The bigger issue though is why women in porn are hapless victims with no free will, but other women who criticize them are apparently free-thinking adults. That makes no sense. If women are free-thinking adults like men then the women who work in porn are no more "victims" than the men who work in porn. However, if adult women are essentially children who need to be "protected" and can't be held accountable for their decisions, then all the women here should just go make some cookies and give their man a back rub and not worry their little heads about things like this.

I'm being facetious, of course, but that is rather ironically the attitude that "victim feminists" seem to have towards women. And that dimwitted, opportunistic (if not sociopathic) liar Lovelace has given these "feminists" ammunition for the past thirty years. To hell with her.


i used to think that most of the women who did porn were in it because they sought it out. then i saw the documentary "after porn ends". most of the women in this were big names. almost all of them actually had what would be considered the stereotypical background of a porn actress. they were abused, they were homeless, etc. there was only one woman on the whole doc that seemed to end up undamaged.

of course the men had no trouble. : D



The bigger issue though is why women in porn are hapless victims with no free will, but other women who criticize them are apparently free-thinking adults.

It's the money. I told this 23- year old how I was selling something for 52k and got a 20k offer, she had her mouth open like she was ready to blow me right there. And this other last year I used a 20 to pay a hamburger and she almost salivated looking at it. The homosexual men are the same way, they love to suck and doing it for money is a greater thrill and pleasure.


I Take that Back


Depends on how old those women are. You can't really compare Linda Lovelace with today's post-Jenna Jameson world of porn where women, with the right negotiations, have more power and are in a more controlled environment.


I completely agree with you. She was a victim of abuse. Some people are still blissfully unaware that this kind of abuse takes place and that it still counts as abuse even if it is at the hands of your husband.
From what I saw in the film, I believe she was looking for acceptance and love and thought she'd found it when she met her husband. She was clearly forced into the porn industry by him and just because she smiled occasionally doesn't mean she was enjoying it. She was making the best of a terrible situation she had no way out of.


She just was better actress than many think.

