this movie had absolutely no idea what it was trying to be.

it was like 6 different plots all mixed into one.

drunken master
ip man 2 (asian>white!!)
magic martial arts
gods and demons
revenge story

it just felt like it needed to not have the last 40 minutes an i tmight have held together. I just think its hilarious when chinese movies go out of their way to say "martial arts>giant white mosnters!" This has to be at least the 4th movie ive seen where white people combat martial arts with drugs lol.

I dont even get how it was a close battle between su and the wrestlers conssidering they are just normal big people, and he has the ability to take and give punches that break stone.

Its just hilarious at how much of a mess this movie is lol.



... it just felt like it needed to not have the last 40 minutes ...
I agree. It just lost the plot during this time. I didn't mind it too much up until his missus died, but then it went sadly askew. 🐭
