MovieChat Forums > Su Qi-er (2010) Discussion > Are Chinese/Asian men overhype or underh...

Are Chinese/Asian men overhype or underhype?

I've seen more than my fair share of 'Asian' movies where they fight the big bad white men (wrestlers in this case).

My question is are Chinese men really that weak or the white men ridiculously strong? In the movies I've seen basically the ONLY person that can beat these 'gwailos' is the main character while the gwailos themselves while definitely not your typical white guys are not exactly some sort of 1/100000 freak of nature either.

In this movie, are they implying the the Wushu Maste is so easily beaten to a pulp by a wrestler with limited skills other than being big? there are countless other Asian movies where the hero or heroes display amazing kung fu skills when fighting their equally fearsome Chinese oppoenents yet when face with some white guy (usually near the ending) he is easily beaten to a pulp.

I'm not sure if this bodes well for the average Chinese men to be so easily beaten by white guys.


Well its pretty solid thinking in that bigger men are stronger than smaller men.

The whole idea is to show that the smaller guy, if trained well enough, can beat even the biggest, and strongest monsters.

In history, there have been almost no fighters/boxers of asian descent that fight in heavyweight classes. Black and white people are the ones who doinate those classes (Especially black) because their ancestors were bigger and stronger, and many had to survive some pretty rough climates (i mean, look at how big icelandic people are on average lol)

They gotta make it white people because it feels more like a martial arts victory. They can paint the speicifc white people as monsters without diluting the the whole "smaller trained>bigger less trained" idea.

A giant asian man would be familiar with martial arts and wouldnt b taken so easily as a giant white man unfamiliar with hopping jumping and all that.
