Just garbage

Started off okay, became a shadow of other movies already out there. Which is to say just messy sh*t.


I couldn't agree more first 25 minutes are good , then it goes straight downhill. Horrible movie.


I've seen worst movies out there....I thought Shadows was entertaining, not the best movie I've seen and definitely not the worst. I'm glad I stumbled upon it on Netflix, however, it's one of those movies I wouldn't bother viewing again.


You've seen "worse" movies, not "worst" movies.



thank you, professor. here's an apple.


thank you, professor. here's an apple.

Damn, you don't have to be mean about it. Soupphysics was just trying to help you out, I'm pretty sure--not trying to insult you.

Don't you want to know when you're saying words incorrectly? Some people in this world, justifiably or not, will think certain thoughts about your intellect when you make certain kinds of grammatical errors. I know it's just grammar, just one of many things one can be good or bad at, and you know that too, and I bet soupphysics knows that too and was just trying to help you out.

Also, I think I agree with the OP that this film was "just garbage," but I'm not sure. For now, I'm going with a rating of 1/10 until someone persuades me otherwise.


So you mean telling a FAT person, hey you are FAT, and I am just trying to point out your mistake of not maintaining your health and not really insulting you.

In a sense I do agree with you, though technically saying that may be correct but people try not to say such things because probably they are civilized enough to know nobody is perfect.


I agree, youaresquishy! Illiteracy is running rampant and people think it's ok.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Just wait until the liberals start crying about "literacy shaming"

The latest one I heard about is "period shaming"

Some woman crying about how if she can't run a marathon during her period with no tampon and bleed all over herself, without anyone saying anything about it to her, then there's some tragic problem with the world where women have to be ashamed of their body.

Nah, just don't bleed everywhere, ladies.

