Release Date?

Any release dates knows for UK or worldwide?


Have seen mention of 3rd June 2011 for the UK, and Oct 8th 2010 for Japan (hence the Japanese trailer being out now)


Thanks! I guess June in the UK would coincide, more or less with the British GP... ok a month early.


Here is the review from Speed TV pitlane reporter Will Buxton

1 Baker 11 in pursuit of 1973 yellow Mustang license number 614 Henry Sam Ocean


It was released in Brazil on Nov 12 2010.


Brazil and Japan have had a release already.
So why the long wait for everyone else?

Us Senna fans want to see it.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


im going crazy looking for this movie

"WTF! hey that scared me lol...ill send this to my friend..."


No US release date yet. It's showing at the Sundance Film Festival: six screenings from Jan 21 to Jan 29. Of course you have to go to Utah to see it.

I haven't ruled it out yet.


Here is a review from the LA Times after it's premier at Sundance last night: one-documentary-racing.html

1 Baker 11 in pursuit of 1973 yellow Mustang license number 614 Henry Sam Ocean


I really want to see this as well.


Hi all! I am a huge fan of all forms of racing. Formula One, ALMS, and many others. I know that many of the media outlets have the perception that we are the minority here in the US & thus don't provide as much airtime to many of the non-oval racing racing disciplines. I have started a Facebook Group to request that this movie be released here in the US. Please feel free to join and show your support.



It's getting a north american release though no date has been confirmed yet.


What about a US release date?


Starting to look like the only way for people in the US to see it is to pirate a torrent of it... pretty sad... but if the idiots sitting on the film think that waiting will increase revenue they are mistaken, it will only lower the value the longer it is kept out legally because the hardcore fans that want to see it will be forced to download it.
