MovieChat Forums > Senna (2011) Discussion > Open letter to Universal.

Open letter to Universal.

The unbeliveable and stupid idea that this film is being cut from 162 min down to 104 min for it's North American and European release has p!ssed me off.
We have already had to wait several months for the film, now it's going to be missing an hour too?

So I'm compiling an open letter to send to Universal asking why.
Anyone want to add anything or even send your own letter? I'd appreciate the support.
Many fans would rather obtain this film in "other ways" than pay to watch a HUGELY cut version, ok a few mins of trims I can understand...but almost an hour?
I do want to support the film-maker here. But I'm not paying for a film that is missing and hour of footage.
I have seen the full 162 min version (well most of it, some parts I just can't watch). There is no reason to cut out 58 mins and us Senna fans are being robbed of one of the best films of the last decade.

The end result I'm hoping for is either the full 162 min version being released theatrically or at the very least it being released on DVD.

You can contact Universal here...

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


I agree....reality is, the core audience targeted here would want the full version.

PS - What parts can you not watch?



The talking heads are the reason to watch the film.
I don't want to see the same footage of Senna racing that has been seen countless times already.
I want to see and HEAR the thoughts and memories of those that knew him...that was the WHOLE point of the documentary in the first place. To give us fans something we have not seen before and give us first hand experiences of the man from those that knew him, instead of the same old footage.
The documentary was made to highlight what kind of man he was...not how good a driver he was.

And it is through those 'talking head' moments we get a clearer picture of the man under the helmet. You can hear the emotion in the voices and see it in their eyes when they recall certain memories and remember the man.
You can understand the influence Senna had on those around him.

I've seen the cut version and it's terrible.
It's a much lesser film cut, and it most of it's impact is gone. It's like cutting the smile out of the Mona Lisa.

I have a full 'grip' and my facts are perfectly 'straight'...hence my well directed 'whining'.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


PS - What parts can you not watch?

Sorry for the late reply.
I gave my views of the film here... &p=1#180680455

And higlighted the "unviewable" part(s).

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.
