2 questions

Exactly how did Royce know Doctor Edwin had suddenly become a dangerous murderer after rescuing him and Isabelle from the trap pit? The entire group were all basically killers and therefore not trustworthy. Also, while at the abandoned structure, why didn't Nolan use the camouflage technology to kill the group instead of starting the fires? Remember Nolan was invisible when he first encountered the group.


I'll cop out on the first question and answer with "gut instinct".

For the second question the "he's a scavenger...he wants what he have" was in reference to both their weapons and their bodies(food)...yep...this way he didn't have to carry them or their guns back to his hideout.


Exactly how did Royce know Doctor Edwin had suddenly become a dangerous murderer after rescuing him and Isabelle from the trap pit?
Not too sure about that one either, but I think he observed more than he needed when standing over the pit looking down at them.

why didn't Nolan use the camouflage technology to kill the group instead of starting the fires?
He was a scavenger and wanted their belongings. I guess he figured it was easier to get them together and kill them all at one time?


I agree. I don't think Royce knew the doctor was evil right away, but something he saw in the pit tipped him off. I think the thought of the girl being paralyzed was the key. The predators would not have done that and he grew suspicious. And she was trying to warn him with grunts.
As for the second question, I think it wasn't just easier to kill them all at once and would draw less attention. Bc they may have started shooting even if he was in camo. And like someone else said, they were already at his home so he would not have to move them or their stuff.

My question about him was did he immediately start killing humans, or did he watch for awhile first and see what happens. He said he saw the humans kill a predator before. I wonder why he didn't jump in then?
