
That first passionate kiss between the two guys was SO hot. And i 'm not gay! Nor Jewish! Not even a guy!
Otherwise, nice movie. I saw it in Antwerp, one of the more famous hubs for ultra-orthodox jews. I didn't see any of them in the theatre that night tho..
Jeruzalem looked so medieval in this it really like that?


Yeahhh so hot! when Aaron approached Ezri and kissed him I yelled "FINALLY NOW GO AND *beep* THAT PRETTY ASS!!" LOL

Life is a Bitch, then you die!!!


I totally agree. I have absolutely nothing against gays or lesbians, but I must say I kind of feel uncomfortable when I see two men kissing (I'm a woman). This movie is so passionate though and definitely make me feel passionate in watching it! The best so far. Beside the story being one of the most amazing.
I'll be in Jerusalem in a week... hopefully, if the volcano allows me.


Their kissing was kinda too rough for me. HOw they looked at each other without saying a word, it would have been more appropriate to start off slowly.

It still shows the deep desire anyways :)


Yeah, I loved that scene. The longing in Aaron's eyes, the way he slowly approaches va voom!

Beautifully acted.



Ezri was soooo sexy. Omg !


Totally late reply, but really? The man had so much pent up emotion that the scene was pretty realistic.



I'm a straight woman and I agree the first kiss between the two men was very hot! The lead up to it was good too - I kept thinking is he going to do it or not LOL.

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.


I didn't think he'd do it. Aaron looked so embarrased.



The ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods indeed look just like that. The rest of Jerusalem is wonderful.


yes!!! I totaly agree with you!!! I love that scene!! a great performance!! I thought the same about the neighbourhood when the film finished. They are not living in the 21st century at all.. that surprised me a lot since I didn't know much about orthodox jewish.


Not sure if I found the scene 'hot' but it was certainly a passionate scene.

In regards to Jerusalem though, there are areas of Jerusalem (especially in the old city) that do look like that. I wasn't sure which neighbourhood it was filmed in though. Although i suspect it was meant to look like Me'ah Sha'arim (a very religious neighbourhood). I doubt it was filmed there though.

There are modern areas of Jerusalem and older more 'medieval' areas. Ultra-religious communities tend not to concern themselves with modern aesthetics though. It really just isn't part of their focus in life.


It's the tension that was amazing.

The way he stopped him, even though he wanted it, then how Ezri backs up and then Ezri makes him back up.

I agree that was hot. The kissing itself was just regular release of tension movie kissing. lol
