Gary Page

Just wondering but I caught a test screening of this last year where the movie was badly received - like horribly! I can't remember anyone laughing at all throughout any of it and then yesterday I caught some reviews claiming that it was Baddiel's best work ever! The version I saw was God awful.

My question is, at the end did they still reveal the Gary Page character as being the fanatical cleric? I thought that was insanely stupid. I even put that down on the response sheet as being the lowpoint of the movie.


Spoiler approved, and that is the lowpoint of the movie for me too.


I was at the sold -out screening at Empire Leicester Square a couple of days ago and the audience laughed out loud a lot -unlike for the many Hollywood comedies I've seen where the audience is mainly silent. Those comedies are usually in larger (but sparsely -filled) auditoriums than the one The Infidel packed out.

Yes, the denouement of the preacher is clumsy and unfunny but the script handles the central premise of Jewish-Muslim prejudices superbly. It's affectionate for both communities and there's a lot of love behind the many laughs.

Go see !
