Perhaps I missed it...

Why did no one have a mobile phone?

Girl gets found, dial 999, police arrive, take girl away, climbers carry on with whatever they were doing... no?



I'm fairly sure there are special phones out there for climbers to use in case of an emergency, and only a complete idiot would not have one on them before undertaking such a task.

It would have been better if in the beginning scene when they were climbing the rocks, rather than the camera falling and smashing it should have been a Satelleite phone or something like that. Just to make it a bit more believable.


Artistic licence.

Better to say no signal and get on with the plot.

Its that man again!!


Why did no one have a mobile phone?

Girl gets found, dial 999, police arrive, take girl away, climbers carry on with whatever they were doing... no?

Mobile phones? OP, this is Scotland we're talking about. It's never smart to trust the Scottish police. If a police officer at the station tells you he's radioed for help, never trust him unless you heard him radio for help. If you didn't hear him radio for help then try to leave. If he tries to stop you then pull a cake knife on him and wait until the bad guys start randomly trying to snipe him out of nowhere.

My sig: why do almost all movies on imdb have a "worst movie ever!" thread?


Only in scotland,... if trying to leave the constabulary station and the cop there gets a weird look on his face denying your leaving - as if the gilbey brothers are "creatively" twisting the script yet again, to make you believe he might be aligned with the bad guys, then its appropriate to stab him with a knife if he doesn't yield.

Too bad the writer and director brothers couldn't have been caught in the town's pub, doing a cameo appearance. If so, they should have been grabbed and dispatched in the most spectacular way.

"Death, has a tendency to encourage a depressing view of war".Donald Rumsfeld


It was already established that they couldn't get a phone signal at the cottage. Perhaps they'd get a signal at higher elevations, if there wasn't a hill between them and the nearest cell tower.

Satellite phones can be rented by the week, and the price wouldn't be excessive split 5 ways. Or there's the SPOT GPS locator, which can be purchased for under $200 but then needs a $100/year subscription. In the real world, most people just can't be bothered, and unless they're idiots or very unlucky they'll never need a sat communicator.


Or even a two way radio??

She's a man, it's a sled, he's dead already.
