The father? *spoilers*

I watched this last night, and I've been pretty sick with the flu so I was a little out of it - why did the father not go directly to get his daughter? Did he tell his minions/mercenaries to bring her to him, or just the kidnappers? I know Darko said she was "safe," but how would he really know that? If I recall correctly, he saw her leaving a burning building with a stranger, after being pursued relentlessly by a psychopath (sounds safe to me! lol). I know at one point he stated that her father was a war criminal from the Bosnian war - was it showing that he was more interested in revenge than his daughter, or did I miss something while I was coughing my head off (like someone was headed to whatever hospital to pick her up)?

Thanks for any info:) I liked the movie and thought it would be a simple thriller that wouldn't involve paying too much attention while I was sick lol. Whoops.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


Something about a divorce and behind every rich woman there is a man with deeper pockets.

But yeah, nasty piece of work being a war criminal and all but a strangely satisfying ending considering the 'bad guys' kidnap an innocent girl and bury her in the ground.

It wasn't showing he was more interested in revenge, he knows that his daughter is safe and will be reunited with her - revenge is just an added bonus he gets I suppose.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


I assume Darko did not immedialty retrieve the girl because he did not want to have to identify himself or his employer to the authorities. The girl was safe but not accessible and the father may have been wanted for the war crimes alluded to by the mercenary.


I assume Darko did not immedialty retrieve the girl because he did not want to have to identify himself or his employer to the authorities. The girl was safe but not accessible and the father may have been wanted for the war crimes alluded to by the mercenary.

This was the take I had on it, as well. Darko and that team weren't exactly operating within the law, so seeing the girl was safe with authorities, the father first wanted to take care of his "lingering issues."

Honestly, for the three minutes or so that this movie gives to the dad, it paints an awesome picture of who he is and what he's done. That line of "prepare my tools" after they get the kidnapper is pretty effective.


Well the daughter obviously had no fear of the woman considering the hugs and kisses and the fact that she wanted to go with her to the hospital. Darko did see their interactions.
