MovieChat Forums > A Lonely Place to Die (2011) Discussion > Serious questions: should the director r...

Serious questions: should the director remake this movie?

I am being 100% serious when I ask "should Julian Gibley remake this movie?" And I mean that should immediately be his next project, not something down the line.

I know it's unheard of and in a way taboo for a director to remake his own movie within 10 years, but I don't think it's a bad idea. Hollywood remakes or reboots movies that have previously come out within 10 years. So why shouldn't an indie director remake or reboot his own idea?

I think the first half was really good. I was willing to overlook many problems with it because the story appeared fresh and engaging. But when they got into town the story took a complete nosedive. Now I couldn't overlook all the stuff that was wrong with the first half while being bombarded by all the stupid things in the second half. If the director had kept the movie in the isolated forest, it would have been a pleasing thriller.

I think he should remake the movie. This time, he should just keep the story in the forest. No going into town. No mercenaries. No Wicker Man fire festivals. None of that. It should just be the amateur mountain climbers versus the kidnappers. That's it.

If the movie is remade, they should keep Melissa George and those sexy pants she wore. But they should change the location. They should keep the forested and mountainous setting that has a gloomy, isolated feel to it. Norway, eastern France, southern Germany, Switzerland, or Austria might be a good idea. But it might be better to go with a country in Europe that has a less efficient police system. Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, even Serbia might work. If the story took place in one of those four countries I'd be able to believe the idea that they don't have cell phone coverage and they are isolated from villages due to long distances.

A group of British and a lone American mountain climbers on a merry mountain climbing adventure suddenly find themselves in Romania (or Hungary, or Czech Republic, or Serbia) and can't speak the language well and are unfamiliar with the territory? And they are being chased by merciless kidnappers who are familiar with the territory being picked off one by one? Now that sounds like a good idea for a remake and I'd watch it without hesitation.


It's never going to happen, and doesn't need to happen. The end.


If you don't like a thread topic, don't respond. The end.


If you don't like comments that disagree with you, don't post stupid threads, in fact, best you stop using the internet altogether. You're clearly not the sharpest tool in the box.


Common sense always tells me that if I think a thread is stupid, I don't reply. You clearly lack the most basic human element: common sense. I'd suggest you to get off the internet and start learning cognitive reasoning.


You asked a question that could be answered with a decisive no and you received a decisive no. Don't start with a question if you don't want the answer.


Don't give me an answer if you don't like my response to the answer.


Sorry I have to make it a hat trick of no's to your "serious questions".


You can't be serious.


I have your read your post, understand your points, and whole-heartedly disagree with all of them. EXCEPT for Melissa George's pants.

The premise, as you propose it, could very simply just be another movie.


It did get a bit slapstick once they were in the town - didn't quite jump the shark, but certainly slapped the cuttlefish

Mr Frampton, vis-a-vis your rump
