Black Culture?

Stupid question: is this representative for black culture in the US? I mean in general? I'm sure there are lawyers and doctors in that community but this documentary does probably better reflect what it means to be black in America than any affirmative action TV show. Right?

I hope this is not an offensive assumption. I am not a US citizen. I am from Germany, to be specific. So I'm really not to familiar with everything. Just wondering if this is just a crazy exception or mostly, what it's at.


Does this movie properly represent black culture in the US? A bit perhaps. It depends on the neighborhood though, I suppose. This movie characterizes the culture of blacks in poor, uneducated neighborhoods. If the behavior seems bizarre to you it's only because it's hard to understand the environment in which they live. I live in South Miami near the area where the film takes place. A number of black kids would use their grandparents addresses so they could attend my school which was a lot better opportunity for learning than anything they have in their own neighborhood. The black youths that attended my school would bring some of their culture but for the most part they were just kids like any other you've ever known. The culture showcased in the movie is not indicative of blacks from middle class, educated communities. The answer is a little more complex than yes or no but if you ask if in general does this represent the culture of all the black population in the US then the answer is no.


Ok, I see. Of course it's not an easy yes/no answer to give here. Thank you for elaborating.


Are there any black communities that are by and large affluent and well educated? Not that I know of.

"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"


Yes, a simple google search will suit.


No, not really - this doc actually encourages the stereotype of the uneducated, criminal black man doing whatever it takes to make a buck. Yes, racism is alive and well in the USA, particularly in these poor neighborhoods (I'm in California, and we have a ton of very low income Spanish speaking neighborhoods as well), but glamorizing street fighting with no safety gear nor worry for head injuries, and talking smack to each other and the crowd throughout the fight, is not how the average black family lives. There are about 300 million citizens in the USA, and roughly 20% of those are black. This is just one small sample of a black neighborhood in a largely segregated, impoverished Southern town.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


No. It's a accurate representation of culture in the lower impoverished class of the usa though. You'll find identical behavior in a lot of trailer parks and run down white communities here as well. Just a different accent and skin color.


Yes, exactly. This and dog fighting occur in poor white communities throughout Appalachia.


This. Poverty is the unifying element, not ethnicity. Poverty is socially, spiritually and existentially violent. It is no wonder that violence is so often seen as a way out of poverty.


The black population is About 12-13 percent not 20 percent. they most problematic thing in this movie is the black women not the guys. I root for all of the guys and I know several similar hoods like the hood depicted in the film but the single black women has destroyed the black culture watch the women in this film disgusting.


Agree. I came on this message board just to complain about how the women were acting. Yikes. Find someone else to comment. I'm not entertained watching elderly women yell over each other about bare knuckle boxing. This just reinforced stereotypes....


Don't listen to rap music either or watch sports. Stick to the Cosby show.


And now the Cosby show is the worst of all. The sin of hypocrisy, having a mass-sexual abuser at the center of a family values show. I'll take rap any day.


Wow - misogynist AND a bit racist, lol. You covered all of your bases;) How do you think women get to be "single mothers?" With a turkey baster??

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


Stupid question indeed. I grew up in a poor black neighborhood in North Carolina. I never even heard of such a thing as occurred in this movie. In fact, I would assume that these fights would lead to shootouts if someone were to pitch the idea to me, so I am surprised that everyone was such good sports.

If you are just talking about poor uneducated people being more prone to fist fight in general: I am sure nothing like that occurs in Germany. All your poor uneducated people are sipping tea and reading a stack of library books.


Not by far,, I'm a white female who grew up in Detroit in the 90's and 2000's and our communities were extremely poor but there weren't any organized street fighting. This is a niche representation of some poor communities, not all.


Your poor community didn't form gangs to kill other gangs either.

This is a niche representation of some poor communities, not all.

Yep indeed,all countries have poor communities.Only one western country has some of their poor communities go on a rampage shooting each other though ;-)

....And of course there is that continent that has exactly the same issues.Wonder if there is a any relation to that.But i can't wonder about it because it would make me racist.
