MovieChat Forums > River of Darkness (2011) Discussion > Perhaps I witnessed filming?

Perhaps I witnessed filming?

Ok, so I was driving to Burgettstown today, and on my way there, just about three miles from my house, I saw some dude setting up cones in the middle of the road. It was very strange. I also saw signs posted on the trees, in front of the driveway to a house, and the entranceway to this motorway up the hill. Then, on my way back three hours later, I saw that there were more cones and more signs - and they said "Set Fith" on them, and pointed into the driveway. Strangely enough, I happen to know the person that lives in that house, and was even at a party there once. I don't know exactly why or what they could be filming there, though. All I know is that the house is kind of country-esque, and surrounded by trees. Also, there is a creepy/haunted looking barn that could be being used as a unique location. I am posting this here because I wondered if anyone would know anything else about it... or if anyone really cared to know the gossip of the set. I might try to sneak back out and take pictures later, which might be easy because as I said, the area is surrounded by trees. Yay stealth skills!

We all deserve to die...


Wow. Cones on the road huh? That does sound mighty strange, if you're a retard.

Hey, this one time, I saw people getting money out of a machine in the bank! Wtf is that all about?


good one :)

The next time I see cones on the road, I'll know that there is a film crew in the midst... but will they have come on foot?

They won't need the three or four unmarked tractor trailers...
There won't be forty cars parked around either...
There won't be signs giving directions to the location...
...(something like RIVER >>>, R.O.D. >>> , or some other hint at the name)
There won't be any signs saying "Filming in Progress"...

There won't be any of the things that I've seen a thousand times when driving by a filming location... at least a thousand.. in California, Hawaii, and a few other states.
