Anthony Carrigan

I know this sounds weird, but Anthony's eyebrows are driving me nuts! They have so over-waxed them it makes his whole face look weird. I caught an old Law and Order CI that he was in and he looked great. Now he just looks weird. Here's hoping someone on the show will read this and leave his brows alone. It is so distracting!


They haven't really done anything to his brows.
His brows have ALWAYS sat that low on his face and had such a prominent arch for as long as I can recall. He does however carry himself and his facial muscles differently on the forgotten than he did on CI, which does give them a bit of a different look.


It's not that they sit low, they do look overly waxed, and yes I find it very odd and distracting to look at. I saw an older pic from the show and the looked normal.


It honestly is not an issue of the show or Anthony waxing his eyebrows. Yes, they do look different but it's due to the reasons I mentioned as well as another factor.


I love this show but I almost can't stand to watch it because of his eyebrows. Thankfully he's not in all the scenes.
