MovieChat Forums > The Forgotten (2009) Discussion > Two things ruining the show for me..

Two things ruining the show for me..

One, and maybe I missed something here, but why on earth is the artist guy sculpting the victim? Someone really needs to explain the point to me..

And two.. the older red head.. WORST actress I can remember in sometime.. her line delivery is just amazingly terrible.


I think he's sculpting them because he is primarily a sculptor. At least that's the impression I got.

I don't know what to say about the redhead...



He's sculpting them because the bodies are unidentified and either so badly decomposed or brutalized that they don't have any image to work with. In sculpting them based on the bone structure and such he's able to give them an approximation of what the victim likely looked like.


They can do it just as easily (and more accurately) with computer simulations.


Iris Johansen has written a series of thrillers about Eve Duncan, Forensic Sculptor (not to be confused with Eve Dallas, J.D. Robb's cop from the year 2050). In it her talents to bring a face to life from a skull are very useful to the police and also to relatives of missing victims. A computer simulation may be useful, but it's not in three dimensions and serves as a portrait rather than a representation.

BTW I recommend both the Dallas & Duncan books!

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


Why would anybody confuse two characters with different last names in two unrelated books that were written by different authors?

Oh, wait, you're right...I always confuse every character in every book that has the first name Eve.


Is this the same human/cylon hybrid chick that ate the apple after talking to the snake and the supposed reason for sin in the world?


But computer simulations don't allow for actual inflection of a person. They create a composite, not an identity.


On the first episode they said he was a student who dropped out of medical school to do art. He was "vandalizing" property by painting artistic murals on it and was arrested, and for his community service he was put with the "forgotten" volunteers to do some time. So that's how he was put together with them and why they use a sculptor versus anything else. Though on the last episode he was able to create something on the computer to fit the girl for her wedding dress.

I think the idea for the sculpting, too, is to give it more of a realistic, 3D look of a real person. They take photos of the sculpted bust and show people during their investigations for help. It makes perfect sense.

I agree about the red headed actress. She's not a bad actress, but her voice is very high pitched and childish which makes her character hard to believe.



You do understand that before they had all this computer stuff, they did facial recognition by sculpting the face.

Also, the stuff that Angela has on Bones, I don't think is even a real thing.



To my knowledge the system that most police departments use essentially creates a composite, it's similar to the ones that they use to create criminal sketches. And even the sketches created by hand look... strange.



It's a TV show. Entertainment. Why the anger? Jeez...



Umm, cause it's a plot device. I assure you, if they needed the computer to be slow for the sake of the story in Bones, it'd suddenly develop a virus.



They still do clay sculptures in the real world all the time though. Honestly, that's very common.



"They still do clay sculptures in the real world all the time though. Honestly, that's very common"

"This isn't the real world. Honestly -- it's TV."

LOL. You're screwed either way. If you do something that's based in reality but implausible, people complain. If you do something "creative" or dramatic that's not standard practice, people complain.


Then don't watch the show. Spend your time helping the less fortunate. Go work in a soup kitchen.


They're a volunteer organization. Perhaps they don't have the money to buy a 3D scanner to input the skull's bone structure into a computer, or to buy the software needed to do the renderings?


I like the fat guy/Walter. He's the only one that I remember after the show, besides Christian Bale, of course. Christian Bale's the reason I started to watch this show. I like the earnest amateur and he is also amusing to watch. Did he get fired or quit his job?


i prefer him in "american psycho" and "shaft"


Did you mean Christian Slater?



"They're a volunteer organization. Perhaps they don't have the money to buy a 3D scanner to input the skull's bone structure into a computer, or to buy the software needed to do the renderings?"

My thoughts exactly. They are using what resources they have. :)


I thought in a later episode they showed him doing his facial reconstruction on a computer. It seemed like he was starting to warm up to the work (remember he's doing it as community service for being caught tagging), and getting the appropriate software/hardware would show that he was doing the job more willingly.


the fat dumb guy is terrible... and the writing.


Did you ever read any of Iris Johannsen's Eve Duncan, Forensic Sculptor, books? That's how she puts faces on the skulls that are sent to her.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)
