Adding Elisha Cuthbert?

That's what I'm hearing... and if that's the case, the show will go down the tubes for me. I'm not a fan of her or her acting.

Some of you think the show is already boring and the characters don't mesh well. Maybe Cuthbert will be what you need in order to enjoy it a little more.



Yeah, that's what the adverts had on for tonight on Lost.

Personally, I'm for it. I haven't seen a lot of her acting, tbh (I watched The Girl Next Door), but I think she's beautiful and definitely has some class.

I definitely hope she adds something to get the general public to tune in and stay tuned in, though. The ratings have been on a steady decline and I'd hate for another show I like to end prematurely (like Slater's last project, "My Own Worst Enemy"... or "My Name Is Earl"... or Late Night With Conan O'Brien)


I'm not a fan of hers either. I don't see why they need another 20-something character.

Vic Mackey: "God creates all men equal. Out of the womb, he starts playing favorites."


That she would go from being Kiefer's daughter to Slater's love interest (I'm implying things here maybe...)

Slater and Kiefer are around the same age...If I'm right, I find it a bit creepy, personally...

Personal insults have no place in smart discussions.


I found her already really annoying in this episode. So yeah I couldn't agree more.

I kinda liked the redhead, so that's unfortunate if she's being replaced. They should have made her character more interesting. They don't write most of the characters very well. Maybe there are too many of them.


i like the redhead too and she had a great backstory her ex-husband was a serial killer-- she didn't know until the last minute he was a killer. i don't mind cubert, but she kinda comes off as "here i am and this is my show" attitude...i much rather slater's character w/his ex-cop partner- they have more chemistry.


I don't like her attitude, and I think her character takes away from the laid-back aspect of the show, which it's supposed to be. I never found it boring and it actually had some pretty funny lines in most of the episodes. I think it's more realistic that way. I also like both of the "original" women. The entire original cast has good chemistry and they're what made me like this show for what it is.

As for Slater's character's storyline, I wish they'd get back to his ex-wife. I was kind of hoping for a reuniting of them. I also got the feeling they were implying Cuthbert's character would be the new love interest for Slater's character. I don't like it!

And for the 51-year old poster down a few... As for needing someone in their 20's, Cuthbert will be 28 this year. She doesn't have much longer to go before she's "old". The age range is kind of pointless when it comes to the chemistry of this show.


I like the addition of Elisha Cuthbert. I think the show needed a shot in the arm as it has too many "middle-aged" characters on it and I think a 20-something is a good idea. I like her take-charge attitude as it is a bit tongue-in-cheek. She's an A-type who knows it and semi-apologizes for it with humor. Works for me. I'm 51 by the way. I think the show will be fine without Lindsay. I liked them working out of Christian Slater's place better. I hope the show makes it.


I love the show but i am a huge fan of Christian Slater-- i don't mind them adding elisha, but i liked lindsey as well..just hope the writers don't make christian's character and elisha's character love interest for each other

