
Does anyone else find the characters in this show flat and boring. Like they have no personality except for their "moments". Like, "this is the funny guy doing something funny". I don't know if it's the acting or the script, but I don't find the characters interesting at all. Maybe there should have been an "origin" episode or something.

Don't tell me what I can't do!


Not at all. It's realistic for the type of work they're doing, and I like it that way personally.


Flat and boring!!!!

The acting, script, etc is so poorly done that it's really hard to watch. Christian Slater's voice is annoying. The women look the same as on all the other crime drama shows. Does it always have to be a blonde and a brunette?? TV definitely could use more diversity. Other cultures should be explored much more for a change. Everyone is trying so hard to be a 'star'. I guess they can't help themselves. I expected much better from producer Jerry Bruckheimer. He usually has quality movies and tv shows.

The Forgotten is already forgotten IMO.


"I expected much better from producer Jerry Bruckheimer. He usually has quality movies and tv shows."

Are we talking about the same Jerry Bruckheimer? Who produces movies with pretty faces and everything blows up?

The people who complain about the ugly people in the show should get together with the people who complain about the pretty people in the show and duke it out for supremacy...
