Brian McCollum (Car Salesman)

Good god this guy was an idiot. He didn't hurt or murder anyone during his crimes or time on the run but it's still impossible to feel any sympathy at all. His ENTIRE episode was filled with moronic decisions, just one after another.

It astonishes me how many of these guys get busted because of stupid mistakes. Telling the wrong people information, hiding out in stupid areas, trusting certain individuals, the bone-headed way they attempt their crimes without thinking about leaving evidence behind, etc. It seems like nearly every one of these people end up getting caught because somebody ends up snitching on them or gives an anonymous tip because the fugitive talked too much. Quit telling people your business!! While some of them show great ingenuity with escaping prison and such, does anyone else find it ridiculous how many mistakes are made in some of these episodes? With even a little thought and careful planning, a decent number of them could still be living free.
