For Fans Only

I saw this last night and found it somewhat boring beyond the first 40 minutes or so. I think the hardcore will love this to pieces, but anyone expecting a great cinematic narrative will be quite disappointed. This isn't a film that can be recommended to a non-fan or those with slight interest. It doesn't delve into exactly how the band overcame periods of adversity and "The Drummer Story" is utterly pointless. Vedder himself says changing drummers is like having a heart transplant, and yet the issues are totally glossed over.

I've written up a full review here:

I wanted to love this, but the fact it's Pearl Jam aside, it's a very average film.


I can't be arsed reading your review but I'm sorry to say I agree with the content of your post.

It glossed over SO MUCH and while I understand the relevance of Wood and MLB, it wasn't their feckin' story, Goddamnit.

Even for a fan it was so-so.


Being one of the hardcore - I must admit I have to agree. I thought Crowe was pretty lazy in his approach to the movie. Anyone or their mother could have taken old footage and spliced it together, and while it was great to get some insight into the band's history - too much of the lesser known detail was skimmed over, especially the second decade. I had hoped there would be a much more comprehensive retrospective about the band, the Seattle scene, the relationships with the other bands, the drummer changes, the Roskilde incident etc... While watching it, I kept thinking - this is something I would have expected to see produced by MTV... I understand there was a limit to the time allotted - the movie could have easily been 4 hours with footage and information to spare.


i gotta disagree ive never been a huge Pj fan the only album i ever had was 'ten' and i knew next to nothing about them before watching this but i loved every minute of it.


I brought a friend of mine to see this when it was in the cinema. She knew of Pearl Jam, but didn't know any of their music or their history. She absolutely loved it and came out a fan, buying their music the next day and watching their videos on line. I think it is a very well made documentary as it tells the twenty year history of the band without slowing down. There's humour and sadness and great storytelling throughout, I wanted to watch it all over again the moment it had ended.


I agree 100%. I saw last night and was going to post almost the exact same thing.

It was actually sloppily put together in places. I thought it started out fine, but I would have liked a little more of a timeline once the band came together. They went from together and then suddenly they're #1 on billboard. I would've liked that moment of Nirvana breaking out with teen Spirit and how it affected all Seattle Bands.

But the 1st half was overall solid. But the 2nd half didn't have anywhere to go. No major break-ups. They onyl touched on MCCreedy's substance abuse. The ticketmaster scandal seemed rushed. Very little info on how they now market and get their music out to public.

Best moments were Vedder and PJ forming band, writing songs.

So... if you love PJ, you'll appreciate some great moments from the band. But this ain't a great film.
