lol this is a who's who

of who-almost-but-never-had-a-shot-at-being-a-who's movie





So pretty much "The Expendables" but for people that were CLOSE, but never got there.

"This Mission....just got a hell of a lot more Impossible..."


Exactly! Don't get me wrong, I still want to see it. Just saying though.


Christopher Walken is cult. Nuff said.


I really thought that if Stevenson (or even Thomas Jane for that matter) got another shot at a Punisher movie where a really awesome no-holds-barred director got his/her hands on it it'd be gold. Not that I hate Lexi Alexander's version it just fell short ultimately.

Stevenson has everything it takes to make a great action star still. Same with Thomas Jane.

Christopher Walken is no has-been, however. Everybody loves that guy.
Val Kilmer? Meh, he had his time in the sun. He can always make a comeback.
Vincent? He had a successful TV show, I don't know if that is a has-been or whatever. He's always fairly well respected for his roles and immortalized in a Kubrickian masterpiece. So has-been doesn't seem to fit the bill to me.

