MovieChat Forums > Kill the Irishman (2012) Discussion > The Irish arent very bright

The Irish arent very bright

Just saw this..I know its a documentary but i wonder how much liberty the writers took with the film:

* this film made it hard to really feel for Danny as the Anti-Hero.. He seemed to have screwed over everyone whoever gave him a shot at the limelight.

* with all the car bombings of cleveland in the 70's its a wonder cadillac and lincoln stayed in business.

* as one poster mentioned, I really would have started taking the bus after the first attempt

* I thought Danny was on some sort of parole where he had to report in about organized crime. Seems that just fell off

* The trash collection venture didnt seem well explained. Was it successful? why did he give up on that?

* Dannys final execution seemed anti-climactic .. Like the writers just ran out of steam by the time they finally got here. I mean he gave up his Celtic warrior talisman conveniently before he got axed.

I think this film is geared more to organized crime buffs, anyone still around who remembers clevelands swinging 70's and people who just like to see s**t blowed up (like chris tucker)



Don't knock the Irish, especially on St. Patrick's Day.

Your comments are ignorant. That's like watching "The Godfather" and assuming all Italian Americans are like that.


Its only satire mate. The movie dramatizes persona's and stereotypes. Like all that tyler perry crap does for black people.



Just saw this..I know its a documentary but i wonder how much liberty the writers took with the film:

A documentary? Where did you get that silly idea. It's a fictional film based on real life events. You can bet that lots of liberties were taken.

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That's a good one, huh



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the car bomb was so fake looking.

I'm with the Mattress Police. There are no tags on these mattresses.


Considering the error in the subject of your post, perhaps you are the one who is not very bright.


Nice racism, *beep* I'm Irish, and I take offense!

I'm smarter than you.


i am basically half-irish and i don't take offense ;)

or look at it this way... if the OP truly thinks that the topic applies to ALL Irish people then what's that say about him? (as each race/nationality has their ups and downs)

p.s. for the record... Kill The Irishman (2011) is between my 4th-9th favorite movie of this current 2010's decade so far and i have seen 300+ movies released from 2010 to date so far.

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