European movies are terrible



have you watched some of the old Hammer horror movies or some of the old Rank movies?


typical American always generalizing Old lady wheelchair chicken challenge!


I liked the first movie. I haven't seen the second one yet. It hasn't come out where I live, yet.


Good one.


Idiots who post a subject with no content are terrible.

Have something to say? Back it up - pony up and tell us why.

I hate that Americans get bad names for saying crap like this (again only in a subject - apparently all the OP knows how to do is make a smiley face and a sig)!

I'm American and speak 6 languages (and yes I went to public school and University). Maybe if you expanded your horizons you could appreciate foreign (and this doesn't even count as foreign or even European if you ask me) movies.

I'm guessing you're one of those people who won't watch a movie with subtitles too? I take that back, it's a generalization and it's not fair.

If you want to criticize something - start with your *own* education.

Just had to get that out!


jkbena621 is living proof that trolls do exist in 21st century America.


How do you know the OP is American???


call it an ASSumption.

P.S. I love your user name.
I saw your list of favorite shows. You might like Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Give it till the 2nd season though. That's when it really finds it's footing.


You might like Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

I've been trying to get into it for ages now but to no avail! (too busy, but I will)

P.S. I love your user name.

Thanks! But I am curious as to why!


Because it's a play off of Kal-El.


Ah. OK. That's exactly how I meant it to be...
And if you knew me personally, you'd really smile!


>I'm American and speak 6 languages (and yes I went to public school and University).
>and yes I went to public school and University
> public school and University
>I'm American



Would you rather I'd said I attended The Ohio State University with a double major in medieval and renaissance history and Swedish? They have one of the best History departments, as well as Germanic Studies programs in the nation... and I'd say it's about as public as it gets... or did you want everything from pre-school to present day?

I'm not sure why it's so funny that I refer to it as University - I attended one so that's what I call it. If it had been Oberlin College, I'd have said College - but then again Oberlin isn't public now is it?

I'm glad it amuses you that someone cares enough to be educated, or perhaps you just don't think University is what it should be called.

Hard to say - again, all we get is an emoticon and nothing to back it up except you paring down the statement that I made and laughing at it.

I'm about as liberal as it gets, by the way, and your inane emoticons instead of comments make you look ignorant, and I'd rather have the world think that liberals DO have brains in their heads even if you'd prefer to mock my education, at least I'm showing I have one.


The point here is that you said University instead of college.
I've never heard an American say they go to university. I'm not knocking any of your accomplishments.

We have lots in common then. Because I go to OSU. Interesting. But European movies are still terrible.



To say "European movies are terrible" is simply not true, because that means everyone in the world hates them, and we all know that while you may not like them, there are people who do, and people will regard you as nothing more than a troll. You should've said "I don't like European movies".


daisygirlie, im glad you did, well done
